ZLF podržao protest radnika Apoteka Beograd

ZLF podržao protest radnika Apoteka Beograd

Politika | 06.09.2024 | access_time 12:50 Zeleno-levi front (ZLF) podržao je današnji protest radnika Apoteka Beograd i optužio vlast da se prema zdravlju odnosi “kao da je roba koja služi samo za dodatno punjenje partijskih džepova”. ZLF je u saopštenju ocenio da vladajuća Srpska napredna stranka “javne ustanove dovodi do ruba propasti da bi tako

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Lajčak: Most na Ibru treba otvoriti, ali u koordinaciji sa saveznicima

Lajčak: Most na Ibru treba otvoriti, ali u koordinaciji sa saveznicima

Kosovo | 06.09.2024 | access_time 11:45 Izaslanik Evropske unije za dijalog Prištine i Beograda Miroslav Lajčak je nakon sastanka sa glavnim kosovskim pregovaračem za dijalog Besnikom Bisljimijem rekao da most na Ibru treba da bude otvoren, ali u koordinaciji sa međunarodnim saveznicima. “Razgovarali smo o tome koliki je napredak postignut od poslednjih sastanaka. Razgovarali smo

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Hungary signals it’s serious about sending buses of asylum seekers to EU headquarters

Hungary signals it’s serious about sending buses of asylum seekers to EU headquarters

BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — Hungary’s anti-immigrant government signaled Friday that it is serious about implementing a plan to provide asylum seekers free one-way travel to Brussels, a measure meant to pressure the European Union into relenting on heavy fines against the country for its restrictive asylum policies. At a news conference in the capital Budapest

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Biden to sign order to prioritize federal grants for projects with higher worker wages and benefits

Biden to sign order to prioritize federal grants for projects with higher worker wages and benefits

PITTSBURGH (AP) — President Joe Biden on Friday plans to sign an executive order for federal grants that would prioritize projects with labor agreements, wage standards, and benefits such as access to child care and apprenticeship programs. The Biden administration is trying to make the case that economic growth should flow out of better conditions

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Israel-Hamas war latest: Jenin refugee camp is left to deal with the aftermath of an Israeli raid

Israel-Hamas war latest: Jenin refugee camp is left to deal with the aftermath of an Israeli raid

Israeli forces appeared to have withdrawn from the Jenin and two other refugee camps in the occupied West Bank after a more-than weeklong military operation that left dozens dead and a trail of destruction. Israel says the large-scale raids in the territory were aimed at dismantling militant groups and preventing attacks. Palestinians fear a widening

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Vulin: Vučićeva izjava o ‘gužvi u šesnaestercu’ namerno izvrnuta

Vulin: Vučićeva izjava o ‘gužvi u šesnaestercu’ namerno izvrnuta

Politika | 06.09.2024 | access_time 09:15 Foto: Vlada Srbije/Kabinet A. Vulina Potpredsednik Vlade Aleksandar Vulin rekao je danas da izjava predsednika Srbije Aleksandra Vučića da je “gužva u šesnaestercu” namerno izvrnuta i interpretirana kao da neće ići na zasedanje BRIKS-a, na jesen u Kazanju, za koje je dobio poziv. “To ‘gužva u šesnaestercu’ se odnosilo

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