Takeaways from AP’s report on JD Vance and the Catholic postliberals in his circle of influence

Takeaways from AP’s report on JD Vance and the Catholic postliberals in his circle of influence

Ohio Sen. JD Vance’s 2019 conversion to Catholicism helped shape his political worldview, he has written. It has also put him in close touch with a Catholic intellectual movement, viewed by some critics as having reactionary or authoritarian leanings, that has been little known to the American public. That’s changing with Vance’s rise to the

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House Republicans subpoena Secretary Blinken for testimony on US withdrawal from Afghanistan

House Republicans subpoena Secretary Blinken for testimony on US withdrawal from Afghanistan

WASHINGTON (AP) — House Republicans have issued a subpoena demanding testimony from Secretary of State Antony Blinken as they wrap up a sprawling yearslong investigation into the chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021. Rep. Michael McCaul , the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, sent a subpoena letter late Tuesday ordering Blinken

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The UK’s Conservatives eliminate a former interior minister in their leadership vote

The UK’s Conservatives eliminate a former interior minister in their leadership vote

LONDON (AP) — Priti Patel, who was Britain’s interior minister when Boris Johnson was prime minister, has become the first candidate to be eliminated in the Conservative Party’s leadership election, two months after the party resoundingly lost power following 14 years in office. In a vote open to the party’s lawmakers Wednesday, Patel garnered the

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The Grenfell fire inquiry has ended with a damning report. So now what?

The Grenfell fire inquiry has ended with a damning report. So now what?

LONDON (AP) — Now that an independent inquiry has completed its investigation into Britain’s deadliest residential fire since World War II, survivors and bereaved relatives are demanding that criminal charges be brought against those responsible for the 2017 blaze that killed 72 people. The Grenfell Tower inquiry released its final report on Wednesday, a 1,700-page

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Vučić sa Bramercom o saradnji Srbije sa Mehanizmom za međunarodne krivične sudove

Vučić sa Bramercom o saradnji Srbije sa Mehanizmom za međunarodne krivične sudove

Politika | 04.09.2024 | access_time 15:45 Foto: Beta/Milan Obradović  Predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić izjavio je da je sa glavnim tužiocem Mehanizma za međunarodne krivične tribunale Seržom Bramercom danas imao “korektan i otvoren razgovor”. U objavi na Fejsbuku napisao je da su razgovarali o saradnji Srbije sa Mehanizmom za međunarodne krivične sudove, rezultatima Nacionalne strategije za

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SSP: Vučić u Podrinju ‘osvedočeni glavni promoter’ kompanije Rio Tinto

SSP: Vučić u Podrinju ‘osvedočeni glavni promoter’ kompanije Rio Tinto

Politika | 04.09.2024 | access_time 14:40 Foto: Predsednistvo Srbije/Dimitrije Goll Gradski odbor Stranke slobode i pravde (SSP) u Loznici ocenio je danas da je predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić, koji će nekoliko dana boraviti u Podrinju i razgovarati sa građanima, došao kao “osvedočeni glavni promoter” kompanije Rio Tinto. SSP je naveo da je Vučić spreman da

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Kokanović (Ne damo Jadar): Vučićeva poseta Podrinju ‘cirkuzanija čoveka na vrhu države’

Kokanović (Ne damo Jadar): Vučićeva poseta Podrinju ‘cirkuzanija čoveka na vrhu države’

Politika | 04.09.2024 | access_time 14:30 Foto: Beta/Milan Obradović Aktivista organizacije “Ne damo Jadar” Zlatko Kokanović ocenio je posetu predsednika Srbije Aleksandra Vučića Podrinju kao “cirkuzaniju od strane čoveka na vrhu države”. “Mi smo 2021. u januaru poslali dopis Vučiću u vezi problema sa rudnikom, on je tada nama odgovorio da to nije njegova nadležnost

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