Vesić: Siguran sam da će Vučić dodeliti premijerski mandat predstavniku SNS, to je potpuno prirodno

Vesić: Siguran sam da će Vučić dodeliti premijerski mandat predstavniku SNS, to je potpuno prirodno

Politika | 28.02.2024 | access_time 09:30 Foto: Beta/Milan Obradović Član Predsedništva Srpske napredne stranke (SNS) Goran Vesić izjavio je danas da je siguran da će predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić za mandatara odrediti predstavniku te stranke jer lista “Aleksandar Vučić – Srbija ne sme da stane” ima apsolutnu većinu u Skupštini Srbije.”Potpuno je prirodno da mi

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Sajam suhomesnatih proizvoda ‘Pršutijada 2024’ od 1. do 3. marta u Mačkatu

Sajam suhomesnatih proizvoda ‘Pršutijada 2024’ od 1. do 3. marta u Mačkatu

Ekonomija | Izvor: Beta | 27.02.2024 | access_time 15:40 Sajam suhomesnatih proizvoda “Pršutijada 2024” biće održan od 1. do 3. marta u Mačkatu, najavljeno je danas iz Opštine Čajetina.Na tom sajmu svoje umeće u pripremi suhomesnatih proizvoda prikazaće lokalni proizvođači iz Кačera i Mačkata.Član Organizacionog odbora sajma Miljko Radišić rekao je da će manifestacija biti

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Hong Kong’s plan for a new national security law deepens fears over eroding civil liberties

Hong Kong’s plan for a new national security law deepens fears over eroding civil liberties

HONG KONG (AP) — As Hong Kong moves toward enacting a new national security law, four years after Beijing imposed a similar law that all but wiped out dissent and vocal pro-democracy media in the semi-autonomous Chinese city, concerns are spreading among the city’s international business and media communities.Critics say the legislation will make Hong

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Popocatepetl volcano spews steam and ash that could reach Mexico City | AP News

Popocatepetl volcano spews steam and ash that could reach Mexico City | AP News

Mexico’s Popocatepetl volcano continues its emission of volcanic gas and ash on Tuesday, Feb. 28. Light ash fall has been reported in municipalities surrounding the volcano, also known as ‘El Popo.’ Mexico’s Popocatepetl volcano continues its emission of volcanic gas and ash on Tuesday, Feb. 28. Light ash fall has been reported in municipalities surrounding

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