Students and parents are frustrated by delays in hearing about federal financial aid for college

Students and parents are frustrated by delays in hearing about federal financial aid for college

NEW YORK (AP) — For many students, the excitement of being accepted into their first-choice college is being tempered this year by a troublesome uncertainty over whether they’ll get the financial aid they need to attend.The financial aid decisions that usually go out with acceptance letters are being delayed because of a later-than-expected rollout of

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Brnabić: Odlaganje sednice Skupštine Beograda nije pobeda opozicije

Brnabić: Odlaganje sednice Skupštine Beograda nije pobeda opozicije

Politika | 19.02.2024 | access_time 14:40 Premijerka Ana Brnabić izjavila je danas da u odlaganju konstitutivne sednice Skupštine Beograda “ne vidi pobedu opozicije”.Brnabić je u Nišu, gde je prisustvovala polaganju kamena temeljca za izgradnju novih objekata Naučno-tehnološkog parka, rekla da ne vidi “ništa dobro” u tome što se, kako je rekla, “nije požurilo sa formiranjem

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Lazović za Betu: Skupština Srbije na iznuđenoj pauzi

Lazović za Betu: Skupština Srbije na iznuđenoj pauzi

Politika | 19.02.2024 | access_time 13:05 Kopredsednik stranke Zeleno-levi front Radomir Lazović je danas ocenio da je Skupština Srbije na “nekoj vrsti iznuđene pauze” posle potvrđivanja 6. februara mandata poslanika na osnovu decembarskih izbora.”Ono što i koliko mi vidimo, jeste da predstavnik vlasti uopšte nema u Skupštini Srbije, jedva se ko pomalja”, rekao je agenciji

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A Greek militant group claims an attempted parcel bomb attack last week against a judge

A Greek militant group claims an attempted parcel bomb attack last week against a judge

THESSALONIKI, Greece (AP) — An anarchist group on Monday claimed responsibility for last week’s attempted bomb attack against a senior judge in Greece, raising fears of a resurgence of violence by radical militants.Explosives experts defused the parcel bomb that was placed at a courthouse in the northern city of Thessaloniki and addressed to the judge.In

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