Crisis builds around Hungary’s president after she issued a pardon in a child sexual abuse case

Crisis builds around Hungary’s president after she issued a pardon in a child sexual abuse case

BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — Calls for Hungary’s conservative president to resign grew on Friday amid outrage over her pardoning of a person convicted of covering up a child sexual abuse case, a decision that unleashed an unprecedented political scandal for the country’s long-serving nationalist government. Katalin Novák, the first female president in Hungary’s history, sparked

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Japan’s government OKs new foreign trainee program to attract more workers as its population shrinks

Japan’s government OKs new foreign trainee program to attract more workers as its population shrinks

TOKYO (AP) — The Japanese government adopted plans on Friday to scrap its current foreign trainee program, which has been criticized as a cover for importing cheap labor, and replace it with a system it says will actually teach skills and safeguard trainees’ rights as Japan desperately seeks more foreign workers to supplement its aging

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Volcanic eruption in Iceland subsides, though scientists warn more activity may follow.

Volcanic eruption in Iceland subsides, though scientists warn more activity may follow.

LONDON (AP) — A volcanic eruption in southwestern Iceland appears to have subsided, though scientists are warning that the area may experience further eruptions in the coming months.Iceland’s Meteorological Office said late Thursday that the eruption had decreased significantly.The eruption began at about 6 a.m. local time on Thursday in the area northeast of Mount

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Finnish carrier Finnair is asking passengers to voluntarily weigh themselves before boarding flights

Finnish carrier Finnair is asking passengers to voluntarily weigh themselves before boarding flights

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — Almost everything that gets onto a commercial plane — fuel, checked-in baggage, cargo and meals — is weighed. For passengers and their cabin bags, most airlines use average data.But Finland’s national carrier Finnair said Friday that it started asking passengers this week voluntarily and anonymously hop onto a scale with their

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Dačić: EU pojačava pritiske na Srbiju uključivanjem Ohridskog sporazuma u pregovore o članstvu

Dačić: EU pojačava pritiske na Srbiju uključivanjem Ohridskog sporazuma u pregovore o članstvu

Politika | 09.02.2024 | access_time 10:35 Ministar spoljnih poslova Ivica Dačić izjavio je danas da Brisel pojačava pritisak na Srbiju formalnim predlogom da se i delovi Ohridskog sporazuma, sa kojima se Beograd nije saglasio, uključe u pregovarački okvir o članstvu u Evropskoj uniji.”Imate sa pokušaj da se kroz Evropsku uniju i poglavlje 35 uvede obaveza

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Brnabić: Vučić jasno pokazao da je to što Kurti radi Srbima zločin protiv čovečnosti

Brnabić: Vučić jasno pokazao da je to što Kurti radi Srbima zločin protiv čovečnosti

Politika | 09.02.2024 | access_time 09:20 Foto: Beta/VLADA SRBIJE/Pedja Vuckovic Premijerka Ana Brnabić ocenila je danas da je predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić na sednici Saveta bezbednosti Ujedinjenih nacija (SB UN) jasno i argumentovano pokazao da je to što premijer Kosova Aljbin Kurti radi srpskom narodu na Kosovu zločin protiv čovečnosti.Ona je za Radio televiziju Srbije

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Rekordan broj posmatrača brojao ptice u akciji ‘Ptice moje hranilice’

Rekordan broj posmatrača brojao ptice u akciji ‘Ptice moje hranilice’

Životna sredina | Izvor: Beta | 08.02.2024 | access_time 13:40 Društvo za zaštitu i proučavanje ptica Srbije je saopštilo danas da je akcija građanske nauke “Ptice moje hranilice” bila najmasovnija do sada.Rekordnih 811 posmatrača širom Srbije izbrojalo 21.540 jedinki više od 75 vrsta ptica.Najbrojnija vrsta ovogodišnjeg brojanja bila je velika senica (Parus major) sa 5.305 jedinki

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