Residents ask for a full examination of damage to a Japanese nuclear plant caused by a recent quake | AP News

Residents ask for a full examination of damage to a Japanese nuclear plant caused by a recent quake | AP News

TOKYO (AP) — A group of residents of towns near Japanese nuclear plants submitted a petition on Friday asking regulators to halt safety screening for the restart of idled reactors until damage to a plant that partially lost external power and spilled radioactive water during a recent powerful earthquake is fully examined.The magnitude 7.6 quake

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Putin casts the Ukraine conflict as a fight for Russia’s survival as he seeks reelection | AP News

Putin casts the Ukraine conflict as a fight for Russia’s survival as he seeks reelection | AP News

MOSCOW (AP) — President Vladimir Putin on Friday described Moscow’s military action in Ukraine as a battle for Russia’s survival as he campaigned for reelection next month in balloting that he’s all but certain to win.Speaking at a meeting with arms industries workers in the city of Tula south of Moscow, Putin declared that the

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Eritrean troops are accused of abducting farmers and stealing livestock in Ethiopia’s Tigray | AP News

Eritrean troops are accused of abducting farmers and stealing livestock in Ethiopia’s Tigray | AP News

Eritrean troops are abducting farmers and stealing hundreds of livestock in border regions of Ethiopia’s Tigray region, 15 months after a cease-fire ended a civil war there and called for their withdrawal, according to an aid memo seen by The Associated Press.The memo prepared on Jan. 31 by the Ethiopia Health Cluster is based on

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Cyprus president makes government ministers sign a pledge not to tolerate sexual harassment | AP News

Cyprus president makes government ministers sign a pledge not to tolerate sexual harassment | AP News

NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) — Cyprus’ president on Friday required all government ministers to sign a “zero tolerance” declaration on sexist behavior and sexual harassment among employees and anyone visiting a government office.Cyprus already has stringent laws against sexual harassment and sexism in the workplace, but it’s the first time that ministers had to sign such

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UN expert says more needs to be done to address human rights abuses in the Philippines | AP News

UN expert says more needs to be done to address human rights abuses in the Philippines | AP News

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — The government of Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has taken steps to to address human rights abuses in the country, including the killings of journalists and rights activists, a U.N. expert said Friday. However, more needs to be done, she said, including ensuring accountability. The remarks by United Nations Special Rapporteur

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German lawmakers approve contested cuts to farmers’ fuel subsidies and a revamped 2024 budget | AP News

German lawmakers approve contested cuts to farmers’ fuel subsidies and a revamped 2024 budget | AP News

BERLIN (AP) — German lawmakers on Friday approved cuts to fuel subsidies for farmers that prompted angry protests, along with a 2024 budget the government had to revamp after a court ruling blew a hole in its financial plans. Parliament’s lower house voted in favor of the overhauled 476.8 billion ($516 billion) budget for Europe’s

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Veran Matić: Sudije Apelacionog suda nisu shvatile svoju istorijsku ulogu

Veran Matić: Sudije Apelacionog suda nisu shvatile svoju istorijsku ulogu

Politika | 02.02.2024 | access_time 18:30 Predsednik Komisije za istraživanje ubistva novinara Veran Matić ocenio je danas, nakon što je Apelacioni sud u Beogradu objavio da je doneo oslobađajuću presudu za ubstvonovinara Slavka Ćuruvije, da je to veliki poraz za društvo u Srbiji i za političku rešenost da se kazni nasilje nad novinarima.”Od aprila prošle

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Lazović (ZLF) očekuje da Evropski parlament usvoji rezoluciji o kradji na izborima u Srbiji

Lazović (ZLF) očekuje da Evropski parlament usvoji rezoluciji o kradji na izborima u Srbiji

Politika | 02.02.2024 | access_time 18:15  Kopredsednik stranke “Zeleno-levi front” (ZLF) Radomir Lazović je danas rekao da očekuje da Evropski parlament 8. februara usvoji rezoluciju o krađi na decembarskim izborima u Srbiji.”Smatram da je to jedna od prvih značajnih pobeda opozicije (u Srbiji) da se dokaže izborna krađa”, rekao je agenicji Beta Lazović čiji je

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