Štrajk na nemačkim aerodromima

Štrajk na nemačkim aerodromima

Srbija | 01.02.2024 | access_time 10:20 Osoblje obezbeđenja nekoliko aerodroma u Nemačkoj danas je stupilo u štrajk i očekuje se da će više od hiljadu letova biti otkazano tokom dana.U Frankfurtu je otkazano 310 letova od ukupno 1.120 planiranih poletanja i sletanja, a tokom dana bi moglo da bude još otkazivanja, rekao je za AFP

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Analysis shows destruction and possible buffer zone along Gaza Strip’s border with Israel | AP News

Analysis shows destruction and possible buffer zone along Gaza Strip’s border with Israel | AP News

JERUSALEM (AP) — Satellite photos show new demolition along a 1-kilometer-deep path on the Gaza Strip’s border with Israel, according an analysis by The Associated Press and expert reports. The destruction comes as Israel has said it wants to establish a buffer zone there, over international objections, further tearing away at land the Palestinians want

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Top UK diplomat says Britain could recognize Palestinian state | AP News

Top UK diplomat says Britain could recognize Palestinian state | AP News

RIYAK, Lebanon (AP) — Britain’s top diplomat said Thursday that his country could officially recognize a Palestinian state after a cease-fire in Gaza without waiting for the outcome of what could be yearslong talks between Israel and the Palestinians on a two-state solution.Foreign Secretary David Cameron, speaking to The Associated Press during a visit Thursday

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Guatemala’s new president to ask for society’s help in face of opposition from entrenched powers | AP News

Guatemala’s new president to ask for society’s help in face of opposition from entrenched powers | AP News

GUATEMALA CITY (AP) — President Bernardo Arévalo said Thursday that with his political party suspended, little support in congress and an attorney general in hot pursuit, he will appeal to the Guatemalan people to help him overcome the entrenched old guard and achieve the change he campaigned on.“We are clear that in the current context

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Mexican president suggests US talks on migration and drugs may suffer after drug money allegations | AP News

Mexican president suggests US talks on migration and drugs may suffer after drug money allegations | AP News

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico’s president suggested Thursday that talks with the U.S. government on migration and drug trafficking could suffer after media reports of a U.S. investigation into alleged drug money donations for his 2006 campaign.President Andrés Manuel López Obrador suggested U.S. officials should apologize for what he called baseless allegations, and said it

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South African election officials visit prisons trying to register record numbers of inmates to vote | AP News

South African election officials visit prisons trying to register record numbers of inmates to vote | AP News

PRETORIA, South Africa (AP) — South African election officials have visited prisons across the country as part of an ambitious project to register at least 100,000 inmates to vote in this year’s national election.The country’s constitution guarantees every adult citizen the right to vote — meaning there are no restrictions on prisoners taking part in

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