OxyContin marketer agrees to pay $350M rather than face lawsuits | AP News

OxyContin marketer agrees to pay $350M rather than face lawsuits | AP News

An advertising agency that helped develop marketing campaigns for OxyContin and other prescription painkillers has agreed to pay U.S. states $350 million rather than face the possibility of trials over its role in the opioid crisis, attorneys general said Thursday.Publicis Health, part of the Paris-based media conglomerate Publicis Groupe, agreed to pay the entire settlement

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Thousands rally in Slovakia against government’s plan to close the special prosecutor’s office | AP News

Thousands rally in Slovakia against government’s plan to close the special prosecutor’s office | AP News

BRATISLAVA, Slovakia (AP) — Mass street protests intensified Thursday across Slovakia against a plan by populist Prime Minister Robert Fico to amend the country’s penal code and eliminate the office of the special prosecutor that deals with major crime and corruption.Thousands were rallying as the protests spread to 31 cities and towns across the country

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Barbudans launch new environmental legal fight in Caribbean against wealthy developers | AP News

Barbudans launch new environmental legal fight in Caribbean against wealthy developers | AP News

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Construction of two private villas inside a national park in Barbuda has sparked the latest environmental legal fight between angry residents and wealthy foreigners seeking to develop the Caribbean island with support from the government.George Jeffery, a local fisherman and tour guide, and the U.K.-based nonprofit Global Legal Action

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Morocco arrests 30 people suspected of trafficking newborns, report says | AP News

Morocco arrests 30 people suspected of trafficking newborns, report says | AP News

FES, Morocco (AP) — Moroccan authorities arrested 30 people this week in the city of Fes on multiple charges as part of a wide-ranging case involving blackmail, threats and trafficking of newborn babies.The North African country’s state-run news agency, MAP, reported on Wednesday that the suspects — including law enforcement agents, doctors, nurses and other

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Gavrilović (DS): Sutra ćemo odlučiti ko iz ‘Srbije protiv nasilja’ ide na sednicu EP

Gavrilović (DS): Sutra ćemo odlučiti ko iz ‘Srbije protiv nasilja’ ide na sednicu EP

Politika | 01.02.2024 | access_time 19:10 FOTO: EP/Philippe BUISSIN Potpredsednik Demokratske stranke (DS) Miodrag Gavrilović rekao je da će predstavnici liste “Srbija protiv nasilja” sutra odlučiti ko će od njih ići na sednicu Evropskog parlamenta (EP) koja je zakazana za 8. februar, a na kojoj će jedna od tema biti izbori u Srbiji.On je, gostujući

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Ministar odbrane Srbije pohvalio Vojno-obaveštajnu agenciju

Ministar odbrane Srbije pohvalio Vojno-obaveštajnu agenciju

Politika | 01.02.2024 | access_time 18:15 BETAPHOTO/MINISTARSTVO ODBRANE SRBIJE Ministar odbrane Srbije Miloš Vučević je danas ocenio da je Vojno-obaveštajna agencija (VOA) 2023. godine bila “siguran oslonac bezbednosno-obaveštajnog sistema Srbije”. BETAPHOTO/MINISTARSTVO ODBRANE SRBIJE Vučević je prisustvovao analizi rada u 2023. VOA koja je u sastavu Ministarstva odbrane. Vučevićev kabinet je saopštio da je on izneo

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Stanovnici sprečili privatizaciju prodaje ulaznica za Maču Pikču

Stanovnici sprečili privatizaciju prodaje ulaznica za Maču Pikču

Kultura | Izvor: Beta-AFP | 01.02.2024 | access_time 00:00 Protesti koji su šest dana sprečavali i dolazak i boravak turista u Maču Pikčuu, najposećenijem mestu nekadašnjeg naroda Inka, okončani su u sredu dogovorom Vlade Perua i energičnih stanovnika koji predviđa da Vlada odustane od privatizacije prodaje ulaznica.”Štrajk je obustavljen”, rekao je ministar kulture Lesli Urteaga

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