Church of England leader says a plan to send migrants to Rwanda undermines the UK’s global standing | AP News

Church of England leader says a plan to send migrants to Rwanda undermines the UK’s global standing | AP News

LONDON (AP) — The leader of the Church of England said Monday that Britain will undermine its standing in the world if it enacts a government plan to send some asylum-seekers on a one-way trip to Rwanda.Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby said U.K. politicians were seeking to “outsource our moral and legal responsibility for asylum

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Albania’s Constitutional Court says migration deal with Italy can go ahead if approved | AP News

Albania’s Constitutional Court says migration deal with Italy can go ahead if approved | AP News

TIRANA, Albania (AP) — Albania’s Constitutional Court on Monday said a deal can go ahead with Italy under which thousands of migrants rescued at sea by Italian authorities would be sent to Albania while their asylum applications are processed.Thirty Albanian lawmakers attempted to block the deal’s ratification by referring it to the court. Now the

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Bilčik: Problemi u vezi sa izborima u Srbiji ne mogu biti rešeni u institucijama EU

Bilčik: Problemi u vezi sa izborima u Srbiji ne mogu biti rešeni u institucijama EU

Politika | 29.01.2024 | access_time 16:35 Foto: Beta/Milan Obradovic Problemi u vezi sa izborima u Srbiji ne mogu biti rešeni u institucijama Evropske unije, izjavio je izvestilac Evropskog parlamenta (EP) za Srbiju Vladimir Bilčik, izrazivši nadu da će ona početi sa konstituisanjem sopstvenih institucija.Bilčik, poslanik iz redova konzervativne Evropske narodne partije (EPP), najjače grupe u

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Predstavljen plan ‘Skok u budućnost – Srbija 2027’

Predstavljen plan ‘Skok u budućnost – Srbija 2027’

Ekonomija | 29.01.2024 | access_time 11:45 Foto: Kineska Medijska Grupa (CMG) Plan sveobuhvatnog razvoja Srbije u naredne tri godine “Skok u budućnost – Srbija 2027”, koji je predstavio predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić, za prioritete ima podizanje životnog standarda građana, ubrzanu modernizaciju zemlje, razvoj infrastrukture, unapređenje obrazovanja i nauke, dodatnu industrijalizaciju i energetsku tranziciju, modernizaciju zdravstva

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Stefanović (SSP): Besmislena i lažna izjava premijerke da u EP i SE nije tražena istraga o izborima

Stefanović (SSP): Besmislena i lažna izjava premijerke da u EP i SE nije tražena istraga o izborima

Politika | 29.01.2024 | access_time 15:30 Zamenik predsednika Stranke slobode i pravde (SSP) Borko Stefanović odbacio je danas kao “besmislene i lažne” navode premijerke Ane Brnabić da u raspravama u Evropskom parlamentu (EP) i Savetu Evrope (SE) nije tražena međunarodna istraga o izborima u Srbiji, odnosno da to nije bio preovlađujući stav.Stefanović je u pisanoj

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Live updates | UN aid agency serving Palestinians in Gaza faces more funding cuts amid Oct 7 claims | AP News

Live updates | UN aid agency serving Palestinians in Gaza faces more funding cuts amid Oct 7 claims | AP News

The U.N. aid agency serving Palestinians in Gaza faced more funding cuts Monday amid accusations that 12 of its employees were involved in the Oct. 7 attack that sparked the Israel-Hamas war.An Israeli document obtained by The Associated Press on Monday details Israeli claims that U.N. teachers and a social worker employed by the agency

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