Across Germany, anti-far right protests draw hundreds of thousands – in Munich, too many for safety | AP News

Across Germany, anti-far right protests draw hundreds of thousands – in Munich, too many for safety | AP News

BERLIN (AP) — A protest against the far right in the German city of Munich Sunday afternoon ended early due to safety concerns after approximately 100,000 people showed up, police said. The demonstration was one of dozens around the country this weekend that drew hundreds of thousands of people in total.The demonstrations came in the

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Danish royals attend church service to mark King Frederik’s first visit outside the capital | AP News

Danish royals attend church service to mark King Frederik’s first visit outside the capital | AP News

AARHUS, Denmark (AP) — Denmark’s royal family on Sunday participated in a special “celebratory church service” at Aarhus Cathedral as the new King Frederik X, accompanied by wife Queen Mary and mother Queen Margrethe, waved to crowds gathered outside the 12th-century building that is the tallest church in the country.The royal family drove 3.5 kilometers

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Paris Men’s Fashion Week draws to a close, matching subtle elegance with bursts of color | AP News

Paris Men’s Fashion Week draws to a close, matching subtle elegance with bursts of color | AP News

PARIS (AP) — Paris Men’s Fashion Week, ending Sunday, has witnessed a striking dichotomy of styles. At one end of the spectrum, the trend of subtle, understated elegance was beautifully embodied by collections that focused on classic sophistication. These lines showcased the art of timeless fashion with a focus on quality materials and nuanced color

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Narodno pozorište: Večeras premijera predstave ‘Sanjao sam da sam se probudio’

Narodno pozorište: Večeras premijera predstave ‘Sanjao sam da sam se probudio’

Pozorište | 21.01.2024 | access_time 14:20 Predstava “Sanjao sam da sam se probudio”, prema tekstu Željka Hubača, biće večeras premijerno izvedena na Sceni “Raša Plaović” Narodnog pozorišta u Beogradu.Na sajtu tog teatra navedeno je da se dramski komad bavi pozorištem u društvenom, socijalnom, estetskom, etičkom i egzistencijalnom smislu.Reditelj Dino Mustafić kazao je da su se

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Šta se čulo u Davosu

Šta se čulo u Davosu

Ekonomija | Izvor: Beta | 20.01.2024 | access_time 22:40 Svetski politički i poslovni rukovodioci napustili su niske temperature u švajcarskom planinskom zmovalištu Davosu posle nedelju dana sastanaka sa visokim ulozima o ključnim svetskim pitanjima na 54. godišnjem zasedanju Svetskog ekonomskog foruma.Evo šta je novo po agenciji Rojters:BLISKI ISTOKGaza je dominirala na dnevnom redu Svetskog ekonomskog

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Umro novinar Denis Kolundžija

Umro novinar Denis Kolundžija

Politika | 21.01.2024 | access_time 18:45 Foto: Youtube/Printscreen Novinar Denis Kolundžija umro je danas iznenada u Novom Sadu u 52. godini života.Kolundžija je dobitnik godišnje nagrade Nezavisnog društva novinara Vojvodine (NDNV) 2022. godine, čiji je dugogodišnji saradnik bio.Kako je tada saopštio NDNV, Kolundžija je bio “novinar u pravom smislu te reči, da o malim ljudima

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Brutalna hladnoća do minus 30 u SAD čak i na jugu

Brutalna hladnoća do minus 30 u SAD čak i na jugu

Zelena Srbija | Izvor: Beta-AP | 20.01.2024 | access_time 22:05 Arktičko vreme donelo je danas silu problema u veći deo SAD, posebno za ljude koji nisu navikli na tako veliku hladnoću u mestima kao što je Memfis u Tenesiju, gde su stanovnici morali da prokuvavaju potencijalno zagađenu vodu iz vodovodne mreže koja je širom grada

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