German parliament approves legislation easing deportations of rejected asylum seekers | AP News

German parliament approves legislation easing deportations of rejected asylum seekers | AP News

BERLIN (AP) — The German parliament on Thursday approved legislation that is intended to ease deportations of unsuccessful asylum-seekers as Chancellor Olaf Scholz seeks to defuse migration as a political problem.The legislation foresees increasing the maximum length of pre-deportation custody from 10 to 28 days and specifically facilitating the deportation of people who are members

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More than 300 journalists around the world imprisoned because of their work, report says | AP News

More than 300 journalists around the world imprisoned because of their work, report says | AP News

NEW YORK (AP) — An estimated 320 journalists around the world were imprisoned because of their work toward the end of 2023, according to a report issued Thursday by the Committee to Protect Journalists, which called it a disturbing attempt to smother independent voices.That’s the second-highest number of jailed journalists since the committee began its

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Donkey cart loaded with explosives kills a police officer and critically injures 4 others in Kenya | AP News

Donkey cart loaded with explosives kills a police officer and critically injures 4 others in Kenya | AP News

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — A donkey cart carrying a suspected improvised bomb blew up at a checkpoint on the Kenya-Somalia border Thursday, killing one Kenyan police officer and critically wounding four others, authorities said.A Kenyan police report seen by The Associated Press said the cart pulled by two donkeys and ridden by one man passed

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Another Turkish soccer club end contract with an Israeli player over his posting on Gaza hostages | AP News

Another Turkish soccer club end contract with an Israeli player over his posting on Gaza hostages | AP News

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — Turkey’s leading soccer club Basaksehir announced Thursday it has ended its contract with Israeli player Eden Karzev following a disciplinary probe of his social media post calling for the release of hostages held in Gaza by the Hamas militant group.The club’s decision came days after another Israeli player, Sagiv Jehezkel, was

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Slovenia to set up temporary facilities for migrants at Croatia border, citing surge in arrivals | AP News

Slovenia to set up temporary facilities for migrants at Croatia border, citing surge in arrivals | AP News

LJUBLJANA, Slovenia (AP) — Slovenia will set up temporary facilities for handling migrant arrivals at the border with Croatia, citing a surge in arrivals, the government announced Thursday.Authorities will put up a fence, two accommodation containers, tents and sanitary facilities at the former border crossing in Obrezje, state-owned STA news agency reported.The official border checkpoint

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Đilas: Đukanović crta metu na grudima ljudima iz Crte

Đilas: Đukanović crta metu na grudima ljudima iz Crte

Politika | 18.01.2024 | access_time 19:40 Predsednik Stranke slobode i pravde Dragan Đilas osudio je napad “Vučićevog glasnogovornika Vladimira Đukanovića” na organizaciju Crta.On je istakao da je zahtev za hapšenje ljudi zaposlenih u Crti zbog, kako je rekao Đukanović, obmane i uznemiravanja, predstavlja klasično crtanje mete na grudima svim zaposlenima u ovoj organizaciji, kao i

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‘Srbija protiv nasilja’ sutra predaje žalbu Ustavnom sudu na izborni proces

‘Srbija protiv nasilja’ sutra predaje žalbu Ustavnom sudu na izborni proces

 Predstavnici koalicije “Srbija protiv nasilja” saopštili su da će sutra predati žalbu Ustavnom sudu na izborni proces.Kako su ranije govorili, žalba će biti podneta zbog brojnih nepravilnosti tokom izbora koji su se održali 17. decembra u Srbiji.Na sutrašnjoj konferenciji, ispred Ustavnog suda u Beogradu, predstavnici te koalicije i članovi Gradske izborne komisije (GIK) govoriće o

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EU primorava teška teretna vozila i autobuse da smanje emisiju CO2

EU primorava teška teretna vozila i autobuse da smanje emisiju CO2

Zelena Srbija | Izvor: Beta-AFP | 18.01.2024 | access_time 17:25 Evropski parlament i države članice EU složili su se danas da radi borbe protiv klimatskih promena smanje dopuštenu emisiju ugljen-dioksida iz motora teških teretnih vozila i da uvedu opštu odredbu o “nultoj emisiji” za gradske autobuse.Emisije gasova iz teških vozila prodatih od 2030. godine moraju biti

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European Union institutions gear up for a fight over Orbán’s rule of law record, funds for Hungary | AP News

European Union institutions gear up for a fight over Orbán’s rule of law record, funds for Hungary | AP News

BRUSSELS (AP) — The European Union’s institutions are gearing up for a fight over Hungary and a contentious transfer of 10 billion euros (nearly $11 billion) in funds to Budapest.The European Parliament decided to assess Thursday whether to take the bloc’s executive branch, the European Commission, to court over allegations that it gave into blackmail

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