Brnabić tvrdi da ne postoji mogućnost da se isti birač više puta nađe na biračkom spisku

Brnabić tvrdi da ne postoji mogućnost da se isti birač više puta nađe na biračkom spisku

Politika | 11.01.2024 | access_time 13:05 Predsednica Vlade Srbije Ana Brnabić odbacila je danas navode programskog direktora Crte Raše Nedeljkova da je jedna osoba bila prijavljena u deset biračkih spiskova, navodeći da ne postoji način da se neko ni dva puta nađe na biračkom spisku.”Bezočne laži. Ne postoji mogućnost da se isti birač nađe dva

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Bilčik: Ne treba predviđati međunarodnu istragu o izborima u Srbiji

Bilčik: Ne treba predviđati međunarodnu istragu o izborima u Srbiji

Politika | 11.01.2024 | access_time 13:00 Foto: Beta/MILAN OBRADOVIC Izvestilac Evropskog parlamenta za Srbiju Vladimir Bilčik izjavio je da ne treba predviđati međunarodnu istragu o izborima u Srbiji i da je na institucijama Srbije da otklone eventualne nepravilnosti koje su se dogodile.“Ne predviđam i bilo bi neobično predviđati bilo kakvu međunarodnu istragu u kontekstu izbora”

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Ujedinjeni arapski emirati ukinuli vize za građane Kosova

Ujedinjeni arapski emirati ukinuli vize za građane Kosova

Kosovo | 11.01.2024 | access_time 11:15 Foto: X/VjosaOsmani/Screenshot Ujedinjeni Arapski Emirati su ukinuli vize za građane Kosova, objavila je predsednica Kosova Vjosa Osmani.Ona je na platformi “X” objavila da je sporazum o ukidanju viza između Kosova i Ujedinjenih arapskih emirata postignut tokom prošlomesečnog sastanka sa predsednikom Mohamedom bin Zajedom Al Nahjanom i već je potpisan.I

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Germany’s Scholz condemns alleged plot by far-right groups to deport millions if they take power | AP News

Germany’s Scholz condemns alleged plot by far-right groups to deport millions if they take power | AP News

BERLIN (AP) — German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Thursday sharply condemned alleged plans by members of far-right groups who supposedly met recently at a mansion outside Berlin to devise a plot to deport millions of immigrants, even those with German citizenship, if the groups take power.The alleged plan, which was published in an article by

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Live updates | UN top court hears genocide allegation as Israel focuses fighting in central Gaza | AP News

Live updates | UN top court hears genocide allegation as Israel focuses fighting in central Gaza | AP News

The United Nations’ top court began hearings Thursday for South Africa’s allegation that Israel’s war with Hamas amounts to genocide against Palestinians. Israel strongly denies the claim. Although the case is likely to take years to resolve, South Africa is asking the International Court of Justice to order an immediate suspension of Israel’s military offensive

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Iran identifies alleged bomb-maker behind last week’s IS twin suicide attack that killed dozens | AP News

Iran identifies alleged bomb-maker behind last week’s IS twin suicide attack that killed dozens | AP News

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran’s intelligence ministry on Thursday identified a top suspect, described as ringleader and bomb-maker, in the twin suicide bombings last week claimed by the Islamic State group as the death toll from the attack rose to at least 94, state media reported.The Jan. 3 attack, in which two suicide bombers targeted

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Poland’s opposition, frustrated over loss of power, calls protest against new pro-EU government | AP News

Poland’s opposition, frustrated over loss of power, calls protest against new pro-EU government | AP News

WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Poland’s right-wing opposition, frustrated over its recent loss of power, urged its supporters to protest Thursday against moves by the new pro-European Union government to take control of state broadcasters and the state news agency. The Law and Justice party, which governed for eight years before losing October’s parliamentary elections, called

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Google job cuts: Hundreds in hardware, voice assistant teams laid off | AP News

Google job cuts: Hundreds in hardware, voice assistant teams laid off | AP News

Google has laid off hundreds of employees working on its hardware, voice assistance and engineering teams as part of cost-cutting measures.The cuts come as Google looks towards “responsibly investing in our company’s biggest priorities and the significant opportunities ahead,” the company said in a statement.“Some teams are continuing to make these kinds of organizational changes

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Vulin: Nemački zvaničnik bi da Srbija ima okupacionog komandanta koji će određivati rezultate izbora

Vulin: Nemački zvaničnik bi da Srbija ima okupacionog komandanta koji će određivati rezultate izbora

Politika | 11.01.2024 | access_time 11:25 Osnivač Pokreta socijalista Aleksandar Vulin izjavio je danas da bi predsednik Odbora za spoljne poslove nemačkog Bundestaga Mihael Rot (Michael Roth) voleo da u Srbiji ima okupacionog komandanta koji će u Srbiji određivati rezultate izbora.”Kada god Nemačka govori u ime Evrope, to se završi svetskim ratom”, rekao je Vulin

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