Kina i dalje najveće svetsko tržište industrijskih robota

Kina i dalje najveće svetsko tržište industrijskih robota

Tehnologija | 23.08.2024 | access_time 19:40 Kina je 11. godinu zaredom najveće svetsko tržište za industrijske robote, izjavio je zvaničnik kineskog Ministarstva industrije i informacionih tehnologija (MIIT) na “Svetskoj konferenciji robota 2024” u Pekingu, prenela je agencija Sinhua. Podaci pokazuju da je proizvodnja industrijskih robota u Kini dostigla 430.000 kompleta u prošloj godini, a da

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Philippines says its fisheries plane was threatened by flares fired from a Chinese island base

Philippines says its fisheries plane was threatened by flares fired from a Chinese island base

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — A Philippine fisheries bureau plane was threatened by flares fired from a Chinese island base while conducting a routine patrol in the South China Sea , Philippine officials said Saturday. It’s the latest territorial spat between Beijing and Manila over one of the world’s busiest trade routes, with confrontations spreading from

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Takeaways from AP’s report on federal policies shielding information about potential dam failures

Takeaways from AP’s report on federal policies shielding information about potential dam failures

Thousands of people live downstream from dams yet may not always realize the risks. As the climate changes, heavy rains from intense storms have put communities at greater jeopardy from flooding and placed the nation’s aging dams at greater risk of failing. That’s been evident recently as floodwaters from storms damaged or breached dams in

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