Krkobabić: Poboljšanje uslova života ljudi u seoskim sredinama je imperativ vremena u kome živimo

Krkobabić: Poboljšanje uslova života ljudi u seoskim sredinama je imperativ vremena u kome živimo

Ekonomija | Izvor: Beta | 22.08.2024 | access_time 17:10 Poboljšanje uslova života ljudi u seoskim sredinama je imperativ vremena u kome živimo, to je misija resornih ministarstava, lokalnih samouprava i javnih preduzeća Srbije, izjavio je danas ministar Milan Krkobabić, nakon što je u Palati Srbija održao sastanak sa predstavnicima 47 jedinica lokalnih samouprava. On je naveo da su “svi

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Kamala Harris with Beyoncé? Yes, but the star singer was only heard through loudspeakers

Kamala Harris with Beyoncé? Yes, but the star singer was only heard through loudspeakers

Kamala Harris introduced herself to the country she hopes to lead in the climactic moment of the Democratic national convention on Thursday — and despite chatter about potential mystery guests, Beyoncé’s only appearance was over the loudspeakers. In the end, it was the most traditional of convention moments coming through television screens: the candidate, her

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Ukraine says it has recaptured land in the Kharkiv region, reversing some Russian gains there

Ukraine says it has recaptured land in the Kharkiv region, reversing some Russian gains there

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukrainian forces say they have recaptured territory in the eastern region of Kharkiv, where Russia launched a large offensive in the spring that brought initial gains but the operation soon stalled. Ukraine’s 3rd Separate Assault Brigade said in a statement late Thursday that its forces advanced nearly two square kilometers (about

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New Zealand official says Western neglect of Pacific Islands let other nations boost their influence

New Zealand official says Western neglect of Pacific Islands let other nations boost their influence

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) — Western nations, including the United States and New Zealand, failed to understand swiftly enough the geopolitical importance of island nations in the South Pacific, leaving a power vacuum that allowed other countries to increase their diplomatic influence, New Zealand Foreign Minister Winston Peters said. Peters made the remark in an

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‘It’s our time’: As Harris accepts the nomination, many women say a female president is long overdue

‘It’s our time’: As Harris accepts the nomination, many women say a female president is long overdue

WASHINGTON (AP) — “Electric.” “Joyful.” The kinetic energy powering Kamala Harris ’ whirlwind presidential campaign carries the hopeful aspirations of history and the almost quaint idea of electing the first woman to the White House . But inside it, too, is the urgent and determined refusal of many Democratic female voters to accept the alternative

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Ponoš: Poseta šefa CIA pokušaj disciplinovanja loših đaka u regionu

Ponoš: Poseta šefa CIA pokušaj disciplinovanja loših đaka u regionu

Politika | 22.08.2024 | access_time 20:15 Foto: Beta/Milan Obradovic Poseta šefa američke Centralne obaveštajne agencije (CIA) Vilijema Bernsa Beogradu, Prištini i Sarajevu predstavlja pokušaj da se pripazi na stanje u regionu u delikatnom momentu ali i disciplinovanja loših đaka, koji su inače preko veze upisani u školu, ocenio je večeras predsednik stranke Srbija Centar (SRCE)

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