Sud zabranio Pinku da emituje snimke o Đilasu napravljene veštačkom inteligencijom

Sud zabranio Pinku da emituje snimke o Đilasu napravljene veštačkom inteligencijom

Politika | 14.08.2024 | access_time 16:15 Predsednik Stranke slobode i pravde (SSP) Dragan Đilas izjavio je danas da je odlukom Višeg suda u Beogradu, Pink Medija Grupi i njenom vlasniku Željku Mitroviću zabranjeno da emituje snimke o lideru SSP napravljene uz pomoć veštačke inteligencije. Đilas je u pisanoj izjavi ocenio da je ta presuda značajna

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Vatican expels founder of Peru’s Sodalitium religious movement after probe into abuses, corruption

Vatican expels founder of Peru’s Sodalitium religious movement after probe into abuses, corruption

ROME (AP) — The Vatican on Wednesday expelled the founder of an influential Peruvian religious movement, the Sodalitium Christianae Vitae, after more than a decade of downplaying allegations of sexual and psychological abuse and financial corruption. The decree from the Vatican’s office for religious orders came after Pope Francis last year ordered a high-level investigation

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Michigan State sued by quiz creator over Hitler question streamed on videoboards at football game

Michigan State sued by quiz creator over Hitler question streamed on videoboards at football game

EAST LANSING, Mich. (AP) — Michigan State has been sued over the Adolf Hitler question that appeared on Spartan Stadium screens before a game last season, with the quiz’s creator saying the university didn’t have permission to use its product that “was not created for a mass-market use at an American college football game.” Floris

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