EU and US call for the release of Belarus’ political prisoners on the anniversary of mass protests

EU and US call for the release of Belarus’ political prisoners on the anniversary of mass protests

TALLINN, Estonia (AP) — The European Union and the United States on Friday marked the fourth anniversary of massive protests in Belarus by calling for the release of all political prisoners and voicing support for the Belarusian people. The 2020 election, widely seen as fraudulen t both at home and abroad, gave Belarusian President Alexander

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Kreni-promeni: Da li BIA ugrožava bezbednost Sava Manojlovića i ekoloških aktivista?

Kreni-promeni: Da li BIA ugrožava bezbednost Sava Manojlovića i ekoloških aktivista?

“Intenzivirano je tendenciozno pisanje neregistrovanih portala, ali i prorežimskih tabloida kojima se priprema teren za ugrožavanje bezbednosti (direktora za kampanje pokreta Kreni-promeni) Sava Manojlovića, ali i drugih ekoloških aktivista”, naveo je taj pokret u sapštenju. Kreni-promeni tvrdi da su pojedini mediji izneli više “potpuno neistinitih konstatacijama”, kojima su “crtali metu” i Manojloviću, ali i drugim

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