Violeta Bulc: Srbija mora naći svoja rešenja za zelenu tranziciju, uz saradnju svih aktera u društvu

Violeta Bulc: Srbija mora naći svoja rešenja za zelenu tranziciju, uz saradnju svih aktera u društvu

Tranzicija | Izvor: Beta | 20.09.2024 | access_time 11:00 Saradnja države s nevladinim organizacijama, lokalnim zajednicama i građanima i održavanje ravnoteže između očuvanja životne sredine i ekonomskog rasta neophodni su za uspešnu energetsku tranziciju i adaptaciju na klimatske promene, koji su važni za sveukupan razvoj zemlje, izjavila je osnivač globalnog pokreta Ekocivilizacija Violeta Bulc. U

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Kentucky sheriff charged in judge’s death allegedly ignored deputy’s abuse of woman in his chambers

Kentucky sheriff charged in judge’s death allegedly ignored deputy’s abuse of woman in his chambers

WHITESBURG, Ky. (AP) — The sheriff charged with murder in the shooting of a rural Kentucky judge in his courthouse chambers was accused in a federal lawsuit of failing to investigate allegations that one of his deputies repeatedly sexually abused a woman in the same judge’s chambers. The preliminary investigation indicates that Letcher County Sheriff

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WWF: Izgradnja dve bugarsko-rumunske hidrocentrale na Dunavu opasna po prirodu i ljude

WWF: Izgradnja dve bugarsko-rumunske hidrocentrale na Dunavu opasna po prirodu i ljude

Životna sredina | Izvor: Beta | 19.09.2024 | access_time 17:05 Izgradnja dve bugarsko-rumunske brane i hidrocentrale na Dunavu nanela bi veliku štetu ljudima, privredi i dragocenim životnjskim i biljnim sistemima u reci i priobalju, upozorila je najveća medjunarodna nevladina organizacija za zaštitu prirodne sredine Vorld vajldlajf fand (World Wildlife Fund – WWF). WWF traži od

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Japan and China reach deal over Fukushima water release and move closer to resolving seafood ban

Japan and China reach deal over Fukushima water release and move closer to resolving seafood ban

TOKYO (AP) — Japan and China announced Friday that they have reached a deal resolving their disputes over the discharge of treated radioactive wastewater from the tsunami-hit Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean and Beijing’s subsequent ban on Japanese seafood. Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said that the two sides have reached

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