Protesters in Pakistan-held Kashmir mark 5th anniversary of India stripping region of semi-autonomy

Protesters in Pakistan-held Kashmir mark 5th anniversary of India stripping region of semi-autonomy

MUZAFFARABAD, Pakistan (AP) — Hundreds of angry people took to the streets in Pakistan-administered Kashmir Monday to mark the fifth anniversary of India’s decision to strip the disputed region of its semi-autonomy and take direct control of it. The decision— which Islamabad insists was unilateral and violated United Nations resolutions — has tested the already

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Jovanović (Novi DSS): Dolazim na protest u Beogradu, prava manifestacija nezadovoljstva tek na jesen

Jovanović (Novi DSS): Dolazim na protest u Beogradu, prava manifestacija nezadovoljstva tek na jesen

Politika | 05.08.2024 | access_time 08:45 Predsednik opozicione Nove Demokratske stranke Srbije (Novi DSS) Miloš Jovanović rekao je da će doći na protest protiv iskopavanja litijuma 10. avgusta u Beogradu i da će pozvati i građane da to urade. On je za današnji broj lista Nova kazao da će tek od jeseni krenuti manifestacija nezadovoljstva

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Predsednica Skupštine Srbije najavila ‘multidisciplinarni tim’ Vlade za projekat ‘Jadar’

Predsednica Skupštine Srbije najavila ‘multidisciplinarni tim’ Vlade za projekat ‘Jadar’

Predsednica Skupštine Srbije i članica Glavnog odbora Srpske napredne stranke (SNS) Ana Brnabić izjavila je danas da će Vlada Srbije narednih dana formirati “multidisciplinarni tim” za projekat “Jadar” i iskopavanje litijuma. Brnabić je za Televiziju Pink rekla da će se taj tim baviti trima oblastima, a da će prva biti zdravlje građana – da “najbolji doktori

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Olympics security means minorities and others flagged as potential terror threats can’t move freely

Olympics security means minorities and others flagged as potential terror threats can’t move freely

PARIS (AP) — They are Nabil, Amine, François and more. But they will not be seen around the Paris Olympics , because France’s government barred them from getting anywhere close. French authorities are making unprecedentedly broad use of discretionary powers under an anti-terror law to keep hundreds of people they deem to be potential security

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Takeaways from AP’s story on Olympics security hitting minorities, others flagged as terror risks

Takeaways from AP’s story on Olympics security hitting minorities, others flagged as terror risks

PARIS (AP) — French authorities are making wide use of discretionary anti-terror powers to keep hundreds of people they deem to be potential security threats away from the Paris Olympics . Minorities — largely with backgrounds in former French colonies — are often among those forbidden from leaving their neighborhoods and required to report daily

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Rio Tinto: Netačni i paušalni navodi Gorana Markovića, projekat ‘Jadar’ se može bezbedno realizovati

Rio Tinto: Netačni i paušalni navodi Gorana Markovića, projekat ‘Jadar’ se može bezbedno realizovati

Međunarodna rudarska kompanija “Rio Tinto” odbacila je danas navode režisera Gorana Markovića o štetnosti projekta “Jadar” kao “netačne i paušalne”, navodeći da “naučna istraživanja pokazuju da se taj projekat može bezbedno realizovati uz poštovanje najviših domaćih ih međunarodnih standarda zaštite životne sredine”, te da će “koristiti sva raspoloživa pravna sredstva kako bi zaštitila reputaciju kompanije”.Marković

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