No ‘tangible’ terror threat detected since the start of the Paris Olympics, interior minister says

No ‘tangible’ terror threat detected since the start of the Paris Olympics, interior minister says

PARIS (AP) — French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said on Friday that authorities have not detected any “tangible” terror threats during the first week of the Olympic Games , during which about 200 people have been arrested by security forces for various crimes. Darmanin released the first official statistics regarding the Paris Olympics’ security during

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Ponoš: Vlast na korak od panike zbog protesta, mogla bi da pokuša da ih kompromituje nasiljem

Ponoš: Vlast na korak od panike zbog protesta, mogla bi da pokuša da ih kompromituje nasiljem

Politika | Izvor: Beta | 02.08.2024 | access_time 08:25 Predsednik stranke Srbija centar (SRCE) Zdravko Ponoš ocenio je da je vlast “na korak od panike” zbog demonstracija širom Srbije protiv rudarenja litijuma i da bi mogla da “posegne za opasnim stvarima, kao što je izazivanje nasilja na protestima, kako bi se kompromitovala mirna pobuna”. “Organizovanje

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