Thousands of ill inmates released from Congo’s main prison to ease overcrowding

Thousands of ill inmates released from Congo’s main prison to ease overcrowding

KINSHASA, Congo (AP) — Nearly 1,700 ill inmates were released Monday from Congo’s largest prison, the minister of justice said, as part of an effort to thin out the country’s overcrowded prisons. The operation took place at Makala Central Prison in the capital Kinshasa on Monday afternoon. Severely ill prisoners received immediate medical care, while

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U Priboju otvoren Energetski info-centar

U Priboju otvoren Energetski info-centar

Tranzicija | Izvor: Beta | 23.09.2024 | access_time 16:30 U Priboju je danas otvoren Energetski info-centar u kome će građani moći da se informišu o merama koje mogu da preduzmu u cilju smanjenja potrošnje energije i subvencijama koje država nudi za povećanje energetske efikasnosti u porodičnim kućama i stanovima. Centar je otvoren u okviru projekta

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PSG o napadu na studente: U Novom Sadu suspendovani država i univerzitet

PSG o napadu na studente: U Novom Sadu suspendovani država i univerzitet

Politika | 23.09.2024 | access_time 11:00 Foto: Youtube/Printscreen Pokret slobodnih građana (PSG) saopštio je danas da su u Novom Sadu fizičkim napadom na studente ispred zgrade Rektorata, u kome se održavaju izbori za studentski parlament Filozofskog fakulteta, “suspendovani i država i univerzitet”. Predsednik mladih PSG-a u Novom Sadu Srđan Đurić, koji je bio među studentima

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Šebrula (SSP): Oni kojima je potrebna pomoć države su prepušteni sami sebi

Šebrula (SSP): Oni kojima je potrebna pomoć države su prepušteni sami sebi

Politika | 23.09.2024 | access_time 10:00 Foto: Youtube/Printscreen Kupanje jednom u dve nedelje u Domu za odrasla invalidna lica od 21. septembra jeste slika nesposobnosti, nezainteresovanosti i neljudskosti režima koji se hvali uspesima i priča o letećim taksijima dok se sve u Srbiji raspada, izjavila je danas potpredsednica beogradskog odbora Stranke slobode i pravde (SSP)

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Britain’s Treasury chief tries to turn on the economic optimism after months of gloomy talk

Britain’s Treasury chief tries to turn on the economic optimism after months of gloomy talk

LIVERPOOL, England (AP) — British Treasury chief Rachel Reeves will pledge Monday not to return to an era of public spending cuts despite the dire state of the U.K.’s national finances. Reeves plans to stress optimism in a speech to the Labour Party’s annual conference, aiming to reassure party members, jittery despite a recent landslide

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Israel calls on Lebanese to leave homes where Hezbollah stores arms as warplanes launch new strikes

Israel calls on Lebanese to leave homes where Hezbollah stores arms as warplanes launch new strikes

JERUSALEM (AP) — The Israeli military has called on people in Lebanon to immediately evacuate homes and other buildings where the Hezbollah militant group stores weapons. The two sides exchanged heavy fire on Sunday, with Hezbollah firing over 100 rockets into a wider and deeper area of northern Israel than it has struck previously in

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