DeSantis says US shouldn’t take in Palestinian refugees from Gaza because they’re ‘all antisemitic’ | AP News

DeSantis says US shouldn’t take in Palestinian refugees from Gaza because they’re ‘all antisemitic’ | AP News

WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis said the United States should not take in any Palestinian refugees if they flee the Gaza Strip because they “are all antisemitic” and he dismissed international entreaties for Israel to provide clean running water and utilities to the 2.3 million civilians in the territory.DeSantis’ comments were a

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Kancelarija za KiM: Politika Prištine da se Srbi isele sa Kosova

Kancelarija za KiM: Politika Prištine da se Srbi isele sa Kosova

Kosovo | 15.10.2023 | access_time 12:05 Kancelarija za Kosovo i Metohiju saopštila je da je privođenje Srbina zbog majice sa motivima srpskih manastira još jedan pokazatelj da je “jedina politika prištinskih vlasti- politika sistemskog urušavanja osnovnih prava i sloboda srpskog naroda sa konačnim ciljem da se oni proteraju sa svojih vekovnih ognjišta”.”U prilog tome govori

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The war between Israel and Hamas is testing the Republican Party’s isolationist shift | AP News

The war between Israel and Hamas is testing the Republican Party’s isolationist shift | AP News

ROCHESTER, N.H. (AP) — Nikki Haley vowed to stand with Israel “every step of the way.” She promised to “decimate” the Iranian economy. And she called for continued funding for Ukraine as it fights to repel the Russian invasion. “It’s a dangerous world right now,” Haley told Republican primary voters gathered inside New Hampshire’s American

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Skup u Novom Pazaru: Zaustavite ubijanje nevinih stanovnika Palestine

Skup u Novom Pazaru: Zaustavite ubijanje nevinih stanovnika Palestine

Neformalna grupa građana održala je danas u Novom Pazaru skup podrške narodu Palestine sa kojeg su upućene molbe međunarodnoj zajednici da se zaustavi sukob i ubijanje nevinih stanovnika Palestine.Jedan od govornika Haris Ibrahimović kazao je da su građani Novog Pazara tim činom “jedini uhvatili uže pravde i humanosti, koji su svi drugi pustili”.”Mi smo ovde

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