More than 90% of people killed by western Afghanistan quake were women and children, UN says | AP News

More than 90% of people killed by western Afghanistan quake were women and children, UN says | AP News

ISLAMABAD (AP) — More than 90% of the people killed by a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in western Afghanistan last weekend were women and children, U.N. officials reported Thursday.Taliban officials said Saturday’s earthquake killed more than 2,000 people of all ages and genders across Herat province. The epicenter was in Zenda Jan district, where 1,294 people died

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An Italian couple is unaccounted for in Southern Israel. The husband needs regular medical care | AP News

An Italian couple is unaccounted for in Southern Israel. The husband needs regular medical care | AP News

They were last heard from at about 9:30 a.m. Saturday. They were sheltering in their safe room after militants began storming the southern Israel community of Be’eri, where at least 100 people were later found dead.Now they are gone. Eviatar Moshe Kipnis, 65, and Lilach Lea Havron, 60, are among the estimated 150 people believed

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Social Security benefits will increase by 3.2% in 2024 as inflation moderates | AP News

Social Security benefits will increase by 3.2% in 2024 as inflation moderates | AP News

WASHINGTON (AP) — Millions of Social Security recipients will get a 3.2% increase in their benefits in 2024, far less than this year’s historic boost and reflecting moderating consumer prices.The cost-of-living adjustment, or COLA, means the average recipient will receive more than $50 more every month beginning in January, the Social Security Administration said Thursday.About

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For Indigenous people, solar eclipse often about reverence and tradition, not revelry | AP News

For Indigenous people, solar eclipse often about reverence and tradition, not revelry | AP News

PHOENIX (AP) — For a few hours, Krystal Curley and her Indigenous women’s work group took over a college auditorium to share traditional Navajo practices regarding this weekend’s highly anticipated solar eclipse. More than 50 people — young and old — showed up for the chance to either connect with or remember cultural protocol going

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English Football Association to honor the Israeli and Palestinian victims at Wembley Stadium | AP News

English Football Association to honor the Israeli and Palestinian victims at Wembley Stadium | AP News

LONDON (AP) — The English Football Association will pay tribute to the Israeli and Palestinian victims of the war in the Middle East when England hosts Australia in a friendly match at Wembley Stadium on Friday.Plans, however, do not include lighting up the national stadium’s iconic arch in the colors of Israel’s flag, despite increasing

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Branson’s Virgin wins a lawsuit against a Florida train firm that said it was a tarnished brand | AP News

Branson’s Virgin wins a lawsuit against a Florida train firm that said it was a tarnished brand | AP News

LONDON (AP) — A British judge ruled in favor of Richard Branson’s Virgin group on Thursday in its lawsuit against a U.S. train company that terminated a licensing agreement and claimed the Virgin brand was no longer one of “high repute.”Judge Mark Pelling ruled in favor of Virgin Enterprises, which had sued Florida passenger train

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Voštinić: Moje obaranje sa bicikla je okaraterisano kao krivično delo, ali se još ne zna koje

Voštinić: Moje obaranje sa bicikla je okaraterisano kao krivično delo, ali se još ne zna koje

Politika | 12.10.2023 | access_time 10:50 Foto: Beta/MILAN OBRADOVIC Aktivista Lokalnog fronta Predrag Voštinić izjavio je danas da još uvek nema odgovore na pitanja u vezi sa incidentom koji se pre mesec dana dogodio u Kraljevu, kada ga je vozač automobila, u alkoholisanom stanju, oborio sa bicikla.On je gostujući na televiziji N1 istakao da se

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Suzana Grubješić imenovana za stalnog predstavnika Srbije pri Savetu Evrope u Strazburu

Suzana Grubješić imenovana za stalnog predstavnika Srbije pri Savetu Evrope u Strazburu

Politika | 12.10.2023 | access_time 09:30 Suzana Grubješić imenovana je za stalnog predstavnika Srbije pri Savetu Evrope u Strazburu, saopštilo je danas Ministarstvo spoljnih poslova.Grubješić je imenovana za ambasadorku u najstarijoj međuvladinoj organizaciji u Evropi ukazom predsednika Srbije Aleksandra Vučića.Suzana Grubješić je tokom karijere bila potpredsednik Centra za spoljnu politiku, generalni sekretar Evropskog pokreta u

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NASA pokazala slike prvih uzoraka asteroida koje je dostavila njena svemirska letelica

NASA pokazala slike prvih uzoraka asteroida koje je dostavila njena svemirska letelica

Tehnologija | Izvor: Beta-AP | 11.10.2023 | access_time 23:10 NASA je danas novinarima pokazala fotografije i video-snimak prvih uzoraka materijala s asteroida koje je prošlog meseca donela njena svemirska sonda, što je najviše uzoraka te vrste donetih do sada na Zemlju.Naučnici i čelnici svemirske agencije učestvovali su u predstavljanju nalaza u svemirskom centru Džonson u

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