Nigeria’s president faces new challenge to election victory as opposition claims he forged diploma | AP News

Nigeria’s president faces new challenge to election victory as opposition claims he forged diploma | AP News

ABUJA, Nigeria (AP) — Nigeria’s main opposition said Thursday it will present new evidence to support its court challenge seeking to overturn this year’s presidential election, saying it can show the declared winner provided faked academic credentials to authorities.President Bola Tinubu forged a diploma from an American university that he presented to Nigeria’s election commission

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Dominican authorities are searching for caretaker after bodies of 6 newborns are found near cemetery | AP News

Dominican authorities are searching for caretaker after bodies of 6 newborns are found near cemetery | AP News

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic (AP) — Police in the Dominican Republic said Thursday they are looking for a cemetery caretaker as part of an investigation into the bodies of six newborns found discarded near a cemetery in the capital of Santo Domingo.Earlier this week, the spokeswoman for a nearby hospital said the institution had turned

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‘Dani Ermitaža’ krajem oktobra u Srbiji

‘Dani Ermitaža’ krajem oktobra u Srbiji

Kultura | 05.10.2023 | access_time 15:55 U Beogradu će, od 24. do 29. oktobra, prvi put biti organizovani “Dani Ermitaža u Srbiji”, najavili su danas organizatori.Ruski muzej “Ermitaž” u Sankt Peterburgu poseduje više od tri miliona eksponata različitih epoha i naroda, i to slikarska i grafička dela, skulpture, monete i medalje i arheološki materijal.”Srbija je

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Na današnji dan 5. oktobar

Na današnji dan 5. oktobar

1511 – Papa Julije II osnovao je Svetu ligu Aragonije, Venecije i Papske države sa ciljem da odbrani jedinstvo crkve, ali i da istera Francuze iz Italije.1713 – Rodjen je francuski filozof i pisac Deni Didro (Diderot), predstavnik slobodarskog duha revolucionarne buržoazije XVIII veka, jedan od najznačajnijih autora velike francuske “Enciklopedije” (“Razgovor Dalambera i Didroa”

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