Zelenović (Zajedno): Opozicija koja organizuje proteste može da se ujedini oko pet stvari

Zelenović (Zajedno): Opozicija koja organizuje proteste može da se ujedini oko pet stvari

Kopredsednik stranke Zajedno Nebojša Zelenović ocenio je da opozicija koja tehnički organizuje gradjanske proteste “Srbija protiv nasilja” treba da sve razlike ostavi po strani, te da, osim oko zahteva tih okupljanja, može da se ujedini i oko još pet stvari.On je za današnji list “Nova” kazao da tu spadaju borba protiv organizovanog kriminala i korupcije

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Azerbaijan and Armenia fight for 2nd day over the breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh | AP News

Azerbaijan and Armenia fight for 2nd day over the breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh | AP News

YEREVAN, Armenia (AP) — Explosions rocked parts of Nagorno-Karabakh early Wednesday, a day after Azerbaijani forces used heavy artillery fire on Armenian positions in the separatist region that local officials said killed or wounded scores of people.Azerbaijan has called the artillery fire an “anti-terrorist operation” and said it will continue until the separatist government of

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Most of Spain’s female players end boycott of national soccer team after government intervenes | AP News

Most of Spain’s female players end boycott of national soccer team after government intervenes | AP News

MADRID (AP) — Most of Spain’s World Cup-winning players ended their boycott of the women’s national team early Wednesday after the government intervened to help shape an agreement that was expected to lead to immediate structural changes at the country’s soccer federation.Only two players, who had not been immediately named, opted to leave the team’s

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AP PHOTOS: Traditional autumn fair brings color and joy into everyday lives of Romania’s poor | AP News

AP PHOTOS: Traditional autumn fair brings color and joy into everyday lives of Romania’s poor | AP News

HAGIOAICA, Romania (AP) — It’s a festival of joy that offers an escape from everyday hardships for some of Romania’s poorest residents. The traditional autumn fair is again drawing huge crowds of visitors in the eastern European country after the event was suspended during the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 and 2021.The fair near the central

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Acting Temple University president JoAnne A. Epps dies after falling ill on stage | AP News

Acting Temple University president JoAnne A. Epps dies after falling ill on stage | AP News

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Temple University acting president JoAnne A. Epps died Tuesday shortly after becoming ill on stage during a memorial service, officials said, describing her loss as a gut punch and struggling through emotion as they recalled her nearly four decades of service.Epps was attending a memorial service at the university for Charles L.

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Nađeni ostaci borbenog aviona F-35 odbeglog u SAD

Nađeni ostaci borbenog aviona F-35 odbeglog u SAD

U poljoprivrednom području Južne Karoline, u SAD, nađeno je mesto pada “stelt” (nevidljivog) borbenog aviona F-35 koji je u nedelju nestao pošto se pilot katapultirao.Avion model “FB-35B Lightning II” koji je odleteo sam i prazan s uključenima automatskim pilotom. nađen je u ponedeljak popodne tek pošto je vojska tražila pomoć građana.Polje na kojem su krhotine aviona koji se

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Na današnji dan 19. septembar

Na današnji dan 19. septembar

1356 – Engleska vojska pod vodjstvom Crnog Princa (The Black Prince), sina kralja Edvarda III (Edward), u bici kod Poatjea porazila je vojsku francuskog kralja Žana II (Jean), čime je okončana prva faza Stogodišnjeg rata. Istog dana 1370. Crni Princ je zauzeo i opustošio Limož.1551 – Rodjen je francuski kralj Anri III (Henri), poslednji vladar

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