Climate activists spray Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate with orange paint | AP News

Climate activists spray Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate with orange paint | AP News

BERLIN (AP) — German climate activists sprayed orange paint onto Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate on Sunday morning to urge the German government to take more urgent action against climate change.Members of the group the Last Generation used fire extinguishers filled with paint to spray all six columns of the popular landmark in Germany’s capital. The group’s

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After castigating video games during riots, France’s Macron backpedals and showers them with praise | AP News

After castigating video games during riots, France’s Macron backpedals and showers them with praise | AP News

PARIS (AP) — French President Emmanuel Macron is extending an olive branch to video gamers after previously linking computer games to rioting that rocked France earlier this year.Posting on social media platform X, previously known as Twitter, Macron backpedaled on remarks in June where he blamed video games for having “intoxicated” some young rioters. Those

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Egyptian court gives a government critic a 6-month sentence in a case condemned by rights groups | AP News

Egyptian court gives a government critic a 6-month sentence in a case condemned by rights groups | AP News

CAIRO (AP) — An Egyptian court sentenced a fierce government critic Saturday to six months in prison over charges that stemmed from an online spat with a former minister and opposition figure. The case drew condemnation from rights groups and renewed global attention to Egypt’s poor human rights record.Hisham Kassem, who is a leading official

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Poland is shaken by reports that consular officials took bribes to help migrants enter Europe and US | AP News

Poland is shaken by reports that consular officials took bribes to help migrants enter Europe and US | AP News

WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Poland’s conservative governing party was hoping to make migration a key campaign theme ahead of the country’s national election. But not like this, with arrests, dismissals and an attempted suicide among its own ranks.The Law and Justice party is being rocked by reports that Polish consulates issued visas in Africa and

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Jovanović (Novi DSS): Ne bi me čudilo da Vučić ispadne kukavica i ne raspiše beogradske izbore

Jovanović (Novi DSS): Ne bi me čudilo da Vučić ispadne kukavica i ne raspiše beogradske izbore

Politika | 17.09.2023 | access_time 11:30 Predsednik Nove Demokratske stranke Srbije (novi DSS) Miloš Jovanović izjavio je da ga “ne bi čudilo da se Aleksandar Vučić pokaže kao kukavica” i da ne raspiše izbore u Beogradu, iako je obećao da će oni biti održani.Jovanović je sa poslanicima Novog DSS-a obišao Zrenjanin i Kikindu, gde su

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Aleksić (Narodni pokret): Tražimo objektivno informisanje od RTS-a

Aleksić (Narodni pokret): Tražimo objektivno informisanje od RTS-a

Politika | 16.09.2023 | access_time 20:15 Foto: Beta/Miloš Miškov Lider Narodnog pokreta Srbija Miroslav Aleksić večeras je naglasio značaj objektivnog i zakonitog informisanja RTS-a umesto što, kako je kazao, služi interesima vladajuće elite.On je agenciji Beta na 20. protestu “Srbija protiv nasilja” čija tema je bila izveštavanje RTS-a rekao da Javni medijski servis svakog meseca

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Zelenović (Zajedno): Osnovni zahtev je da RTS bude servis svih građana a ne produžena ruka vlasti

Zelenović (Zajedno): Osnovni zahtev je da RTS bude servis svih građana a ne produžena ruka vlasti

Politika | 16.09.2023 | access_time 19:40 Foto: Beta/Branislav Božić Kopredsednik stranke Zajedno Nebojša Zelenović rekao je večeras na protestu “Srbija protiv nasilja” ispred zgrade RTS-a da je osnovni zahtev da Javni servis bude servis svih građana, a ne produžena ruka vlasti.On je kazao agenciji Beta i da taj zahtev ne podrazumeva ništa drugo osim onog

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Lazović: Neophodno da vlasti ispune preporuke OEBS-a u vezi izveštavanja medija

Lazović: Neophodno da vlasti ispune preporuke OEBS-a u vezi izveštavanja medija

Politika | 16.09.2023 | access_time 19:20 Poslanik Zeleno-levog fronta Radomir Lazović izjavio je da je neophodno da vlasti ispune preporuke OEBS-a u vezi izveštavanja medija, te ukazao da večerašnji protest “Srbija protiv nasilja” posvećen izveštavanju Radio-televizije Srbije (RTS).On je agenciji Beta, na 20. po redu protestu, kazao i da je neophodno da Javni servis Srbije

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