Istraživači mapirali solarne resurse u Kini uz pomoć satelita

Istraživači mapirali solarne resurse u Kini uz pomoć satelita

Tehnologija | 14.09.2023 | access_time 19:10 Kineski istraživači su nedavno napravili mapu fotonaponskih resursa u Kini, u visokoj rezoluciji, bacajući novo svetlo na potencijal solarne energije u toj zemlji, navodi agencija Sinhua.Prema mapi, godišnja srednja efektivna ozračenost premašuje 1.700 kilovat-časa po metru kvadratnom u zapadnoj Kini, a najviša vrednost je utvrđena na Tibetu, dok istočna

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Britain, France and Germany say they will keep their nuclear and missiles sanctions on Iran | AP News

Britain, France and Germany say they will keep their nuclear and missiles sanctions on Iran | AP News

VIENNA (AP) — Britain, France and Germany announced Thursday they will keep their sanctions on Iran related to the Mideast country’s atomic program and development of ballistic missiles. The measures were to expire in October under a timetable spelled out in the now defunct nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers.In a joint statement, the

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China promotes economic ‘integration’ with Taiwan while militarily threatening the island | AP News

China promotes economic ‘integration’ with Taiwan while militarily threatening the island | AP News

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — China is promoting new economic opportunities for Taiwanese people while at the same time ramping up military activity around the island it claims as its own.Experts say the “carrots and sticks” approach, which Beijing has employed for years, signals a choice between peaceful “reunification” and military aggression ahead of a Taiwanese

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Zelenskyy expected to visit Capitol Hill as Congress debates $21 billion in aid for Ukraine | AP News

Zelenskyy expected to visit Capitol Hill as Congress debates $21 billion in aid for Ukraine | AP News

WASHINGTON (AP) — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is expected on Capitol Hill and at the White House next week as he visits the U.S. during the United Nations General Assembly.Zelenskyy’s trip comes as Congress is debating providing as much as $21 billion in military and humanitarian aid for Ukraine as it fights the Russian invasion.An

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As captured fugitive resumes sentence in the U.S., homicide in his native Brazil remains unsolved | AP News

As captured fugitive resumes sentence in the U.S., homicide in his native Brazil remains unsolved | AP News

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — When the Brazilian prosecutor in charge of a homicide case targeting Danilo Cavalcante saw footage of the 34 year-old crab-walk out of a U.S. prison last month, he thought the fugitive might try to head home, where he stood to receive a considerably lighter sentence.Cavalcante fled Brazil in 2018, several

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Borel: Bez normalizacije odnosa ni Kosovo ni Srbija nemaju evropsku budućnost

Borel: Bez normalizacije odnosa ni Kosovo ni Srbija nemaju evropsku budućnost

Šef evropske diplomatije Žozep Borel izjavio je danas u Briselu, posle nove runde dijaloga Beograda i Prištine, da bez normalizacije odnosa neće biti evropske budućnosti ni za Kosovo ni za Srbiju, i ukazao da je formiranje Zajednice srpskih opština (ZSO) ključni element u tom procesu.Posle zajedničkog sastanka sa predsednikom Srbije Aleksandrom Vučićem i premijerom Kosova

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