Na današnji dan 6. septembar

Na današnji dan 6. septembar

1522 – Španski moreplovac Huan Sebastijan del Kano (Juan Sebastian, Cano) je završio prvo putovanje oko sveta, koje je Fernando Magelan (Magellan) započeo 1519. s pet brodova i 270 mornara. Del Kano je preuzeo komandu kada su 1521. Magelana ubili filipinski urodjenici i vratio se u Španiju sa jednim brodom i 18 mornara.1566 – Umro

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A storm in Brazil leaves at least 27 dead and 1,600 others homeless. Families are pleading for help | AP News

A storm in Brazil leaves at least 27 dead and 1,600 others homeless. Families are pleading for help | AP News

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — An extratropical cyclone in southern Brazil caused floods in several cities, killing at least 27 people and leaving more than 1,600 homeless, authorities said Wednesday.More than 60 cities have been battered by the storm since Monday night, and Rio Grande do Sul Gov. Eduardo Leite said that the death toll

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Judge rules Trump in 2019 defamed writer who has already won a sex abuse and libel suit against him | AP News

Judge rules Trump in 2019 defamed writer who has already won a sex abuse and libel suit against him | AP News

NEW YORK (AP) — Four months after a jury found that Donald Trump sexually abused and defamed advice columnist E. Jean Carroll, a federal judge ruled Wednesday that still more of the ex-president’s comments about her were libelous. The decision means that an upcoming second civil trial will concern only how much more he has

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U dvorište zgrade N1 ubačeni leci sa montiranim fotografijama lidera srpske opozicije

U dvorište zgrade N1 ubačeni leci sa montiranim fotografijama lidera srpske opozicije

Politika | 06.09.2023 | access_time 14:05 Televizija N1 objavila je da su danas u dvorište zgrade te medijske kuće u Beogradu ubačeni leci na kojima su fotografije lidera srpske opozicije praćene natpisom “Kurtijeva opozicija”.Pamfleti su po navodima N1, ubačeni preko ograde a fotomontažom je na glave lidera srpske opozicije stavljena kapa sa albanskim dvoglavim orlom.Autor

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Slobodan Cvetković novi ministar privrede

Slobodan Cvetković novi ministar privrede

Politika | 06.09.2023 | access_time 13:45 Za novog ministra privrede u Vladi Srbije danas je izabran Slobodan Cvetković, član Socijalističke partije Srbije, javnim glasanjem uz zvižduke i buku opozicionih poslanika.Za Cvetkovića je u Skupštini Srbije od 150 prisutnih glasalo 148 poslanika, dvoje je bilo protiv, a uzdržanih nije bilo.Cvetković je u Skupštini položio zakletvu koja

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Tropical Storm Lee forecast to strengthen into hurricane as it churns in Atlantic toward Caribbean | AP News

Tropical Storm Lee forecast to strengthen into hurricane as it churns in Atlantic toward Caribbean | AP News

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Tropical Storm Lee churned through the open waters of the Atlantic on Wednesday and was expected to soon become a hurricane as it approached the Caribbean.The storm was located about 1,265 miles (2,040 kilometers) east-southeast of the northern Leeward Islands. It had maximum sustained winds of 65 mph (100

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