Spain’s conservatives will get first shot at forming a government after inconclusive elections | AP News

Spain’s conservatives will get first shot at forming a government after inconclusive elections | AP News

MADRID (AP) — The leader of Spain’s conservatives will have the first chance to curry the parliamentary support necessary to form a new government following last month’s inconclusive national election, the speaker of Spain’s Parliament said Tuesday.Francina Armengol announced the decision by Spain’s King Felipe VI following the monarch’s round of meetings on Monday and

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Preminuo italijanski pevač Toto Kutunjo, poznat po pesmi – Un Italiano vero

Preminuo italijanski pevač Toto Kutunjo, poznat po pesmi – Un Italiano vero

“Posle duge bolesti, stanje pevača se pogoršalo poslednjih meseci”, izjavio je Danilo Mankuzo (Mancuso).Italijanska premijerka Đorđa Meloni (Giorgia) odmah je reagovala na Iks-u (bivšem Tviteru), rečima – “Pozdrav Toto Kutunju, istinskom Italijanu” (Ciao a Toto Cutugno, un Italiano vero).Njegova pesma “Un Italiano vero” bila je prva na top listama u Italiji i Švajcarskoj, a druga

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North Korea’s Kim lambasts premier over flooding, in a possible bid to shift blame for economic woes | AP News

North Korea’s Kim lambasts premier over flooding, in a possible bid to shift blame for economic woes | AP News

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North Korean leader Kim Jong Un severely rebuked his premier and other senior officials over what he called their irresponsible response to recent flooding of farmlands along the country’s western coast, state media reported Tuesday.Summer floods in North Korea often cause serious damage to farmlands due to poor drainage and

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SSP: Šapić stoji iza nelegalne gradnje koju sprovodi direktor VK Novi Beograd

SSP: Šapić stoji iza nelegalne gradnje koju sprovodi direktor VK Novi Beograd

Stranka slobode i pravde (SSP) optužila je danas gradonačelnika Beograda Aleksandra Šapića da stoji iza nelegalne gradnje na Senjaku koju sprovodi predsednik Vaterpolo kluba Novi Beograd Mirjan Nešović.Potpredsednica Gradskog odbora (SSP) Ana Gođevac kazala je na konferenciji za novinare da je jasno da je Šapić morao da zna šta njegov “blizak saradnik radi”, kao i

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A failed lunar mission dents Russian pride and reflects deeper problems with Moscow’s space industry | AP News

A failed lunar mission dents Russian pride and reflects deeper problems with Moscow’s space industry | AP News

An ambitious but failed attempt by Russia to return to the moon after nearly half a century has exposed the massive challenges faced by Moscow’s once-proud space program.The destruction of the robotic Luna-25 probe, which crashed onto the surface of the moon over the weekend, reflects the endemic problems that have dogged the Russian space

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Više od 200 izvođača od četvrtka na Festivalu uličnih svirača u Novom Sadu

Više od 200 izvođača od četvrtka na Festivalu uličnih svirača u Novom Sadu

U četvrtak, 24. avgusta, u 19.30 časova povorkom kroz centar Novog Sada počinje 23. Festival uličnih svirača – “Gradić fest”.”Svemirski traktor” i DJ MKDSL predvodiće paradu od raskrsnice Bulevara Mihajla Pupina i ulice Žarka Zrenjanina do Gradića, da bi DJ MKDSL na glavnoj bini ispred Beogradske kapije uveo publiku u koncert Bojane Vunturišević, najavili su organizatori.Povorku će

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Events at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant since the 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster | AP News

Events at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant since the 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster | AP News

TOKYO (AP) — Japanese officials plan to start releasing treated but still slightly radioactive wastewater from the wrecked Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the Pacific Ocean as early as Thursday, 12 years after a massive earthquake and tsunami caused the meltdowns of three of its reactors and the continuing leakage of cooling water. Here

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