Russia halts wartime deal allowing Ukraine to ship grain. It’s a blow to global food security | AP News

Russia halts wartime deal allowing Ukraine to ship grain. It’s a blow to global food security | AP News

LONDON (AP) — Russia halted an unprecedented wartime deal on Monday that allows grain to flow from Ukraine to countries in Africa, the Middle East and Asia where hunger is a growing threat and high food prices have pushed more people into poverty.Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov announced Russia would suspend the Black Sea Grain Initiative

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Talas toplote i dalje pristiska deo SAD

Talas toplote i dalje pristiska deo SAD

Klimatske promene | Izvor: Beta-AFP | 16.07.2023 | access_time 18:05 Od Floride do Kalifornije preko Teksasa, veliki deo juga SAD i dalje je zahvaćen toplotnim talasom, dok tamošnji meteorolozi za danas predviđaju obaranje rekorda u visokoj temperaturi. “Široko rasprostranjen toplotni talas i danas će biti prisutan širom većeg dela zapada do najjužnijih država”, upozorila je

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Na današnji dan 17. jul

Na današnji dan 17. jul

1762 – Ubijen je ruski car Petar III tri dana nakon što je oboren sa vlasti i zatvoren. Presto je preuzela njegova supruga Katarina II (Velika), koja je kasnije postala jedan od najčuvenijih ruskih vladara. 1790 – Umro je škotski ekonomista Adam Smit (Smith), uz Dejvida Rikarda (David Ricardo), najpoznatiji predstavnik engleske klasične političke ekonomije.

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EU and Latin American leaders hold a summit hoping to rekindle relationship with long-lost friends | AP News

EU and Latin American leaders hold a summit hoping to rekindle relationship with long-lost friends | AP News

BRUSSELS (AP) — Leaders from the European Union and Latin America are gathering for a major summit of long-lost relatives starting on Monday. Whether it will be a joyful meeting of long-lost friends remains to be seen.Their last such encounter was eight years ago. Since then, the COVID-19 pandemic and Brazil’s three-year departure from the

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French tourism businesses are wary of customers drying up as droughts worsen | AP News

French tourism businesses are wary of customers drying up as droughts worsen | AP News

SAINTE-CROIX du VERDON, France (AP) — At the pristine southern French lake of Sainte-Croix-du-Verdon, tourists in pedal boats and on white water rafts — and the businesses that welcome them — have been buoyed by generous rainfall and good water management this spring.After a prolonged drought last summer, then another in the winter that followed

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