Catholic devotees honor St Jude’s relic with watery procession through Mexico’s Xochimilco canals

Catholic devotees honor St Jude’s relic with watery procession through Mexico’s Xochimilco canals

MEXICO CITY (AP) — It was no ordinary Sunday on Mexico City’s famed Xochimilco canals. Instead of tourists and locals hanging out with friends, the brightly painted boats known as “trajineras” were filled with Catholics honoring a relic of St. Jude Thaddeus, one of Jesus’ 12 apostles and patron saint of impossible causes. A wooden

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Kokanović (Ne damo Jadar): Privode se i drugi aktivisti, nema odustajanja od zahteva o litijumu

Kokanović (Ne damo Jadar): Privode se i drugi aktivisti, nema odustajanja od zahteva o litijumu

Politika | 11.08.2024 | access_time 19:05  Protest zbog izricanja presude trojici aktivista počeo je danas ispred zgrade Vlade Srbije u centru Beograda, a učesnici su blokirali raskrnicu Nemanjine i ulice Kneza Miloša, javio je reporter Bete. Na protestu je istaknuto da vlast hapsi i druge, ali da se neće odustati od zahteva za zabranom ekspolatacije

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Summer tourists flock to boardwalks and piers while sticking to their budgets

Summer tourists flock to boardwalks and piers while sticking to their budgets

NEW YORK (AP) — Small businesses along popular vacation destinations like boardwalks and piers in the U.S. say the number of tourists flocking to the waterfront is back to normal, meaning pre-2020 levels. But while the affluent are spending freely, lower-income vacationers are sticking to carefully planned-out budgets. Sean Bailey, marketing manager of the SkyWheel

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