Asked about seeking IOC presidency, track head Seb Coe says ‘of course I’m going to consider this’

Asked about seeking IOC presidency, track head Seb Coe says ‘of course I’m going to consider this’

Follow along for the latest updates from today’s Olympic action , including the gold medal men’s basketball game between the U.S. and France. PARIS (AP) — Olympic running champion and insider Sebastian Coe said “of course I’m going to consider this,” Sunday when asked if he would put his name forward to replace Thomas Bach

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Serbia’s populist president says lithium protests are part of a ‘hybrid’ warfare against his country

Serbia’s populist president says lithium protests are part of a ‘hybrid’ warfare against his country

BELGRADE, Serbia (AP) — Serbia’s president Sunday accused demonstrators who opposed a lithium mining project in the Balkan country of being part of a Western-backed “hybrid” warfare against his government and vowed to take strong legal action against those protesters who have blocked railway and road traffic in the capital a day earlier. In one

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The US Navy’s warship production is in its worst state in 25 years. What’s behind it?

The US Navy’s warship production is in its worst state in 25 years. What’s behind it?

The Navy’s ability to build lower-cost warships that can shoot down Houthi rebel missiles in the Red Sea depends in part on a 25-year-old laborer who previously made parts for garbage trucks. Lucas Andreini, a welder at Fincantieri Marinette Marine, in Marinette, Wisconsin, is among thousands of young workers who’ve received employer-sponsored training nationwide as

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Vučić: Priština planira da 14. ili 15. nasilno otvori most na Ibru

Vučić: Priština planira da 14. ili 15. nasilno otvori most na Ibru

Politika | 11.08.2024 | access_time 12:05 Predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić upozorio je danas da prištinske vlasti planiraju da 14. ili 15. avgusta “nasilno otvore” most na Ibru koji razdvaja severni od južnog dela Kosovske Mitrovice. U obraćanju građanima iz Palate Srbija u Beogradu, Vučić je kazao da na Kosovu i Metohiji očekuje “dalje provokacije”. “Planiraju

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Na današnji dan 11. avgust

Na današnji dan 11. avgust

Dogodilo se | 11.08.2024 | access_time 10:50 1999 – Potpuno pomračenje Sunca videlo se u delovima Evrope, Bliskog istoka i Azije. Videlo se i iz Srbije. 1456 – Umro je ugarski vojskovodja Janoš Hunjadi (Janos Hunyadi). Kao erdeljski vojvoda uspešno je ratovao protiv Turaka, a 1456. doprineo je razbijanju turske opsade Beograda. Neposredno posle toga

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