Takeaways from the AP’s report on Mexican mothers searching for their disappeared children

Takeaways from the AP’s report on Mexican mothers searching for their disappeared children

MEXICO CITY (AP) — According to official figures, at least 115,000 people have disappeared in Mexico since 1952, though the real number is believed to be higher. During the country’s “dirty war,” a conflict that lasted throughout the 1970s, disappearances were attributed to government repression. In the past two decades, as officials have fought drug

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Vučić: Predsedavanje globalnom inicijativom za AI iskoristićemo za privlačenje novih investicija

Vučić: Predsedavanje globalnom inicijativom za AI iskoristićemo za privlačenje novih investicija

Politika | 30.08.2024 | access_time 13:20 Predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić rekao je danas da će Srbija iskoristiti predsedavanje globalnom inicijativom za veštačku inteligenciju kako bi donela nove investicije u zemlju vezane direktno za veštačku inteligenciju. Vučić je na Forumu o mladima i veštačkoj inteligenciji, na kojoj učestvuje i francuski predsednik Emanuel Makron, rekao da Srbija

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Mediji: Sankcije za turske i mađarske firme zbog saradnje s ruskom vojnom industrijom

Mediji: Sankcije za turske i mađarske firme zbog saradnje s ruskom vojnom industrijom

Politika | Izvor: Beta | 30.08.2024 | access_time 11:20 Ministarstvo finansija SAD uvelo je sankcije protiv više od 400 pojedinaca firmi i organizacija zbog toga što njihovi proizvodi pomažu ratnim naporima Rusije, a među sankcionisanima su i kompanije iz Turske i Mađarske, preneo je portal Balkanska bezbednosna mreža. Zamenik sekretara američkog Ministarstva finansija Vali Adejemo

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Ukraine says US experts are helping figure out why a Ukrainian F-16 crashed in the war with Russia

Ukraine says US experts are helping figure out why a Ukrainian F-16 crashed in the war with Russia

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — U.S. experts have joined a Ukrainian investigation into why an F-16 warplane that Ukraine received from its Western partners crashed earlier this week during a Russian bombardment, the country’s air force commander said Friday. Commander Mykola Oleshchuk said on Telegram that “a detailed analysis is already being conducted” into why the

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