SSP: Šapić će Beograd dovesti do stečaja, profesionalno tužilaštvo će se baviti njime

SSP: Šapić će Beograd dovesti do stečaja, profesionalno tužilaštvo će se baviti njime

Politika | 29.08.2024 | access_time 11:15 Predsednica beogradskog odbora Stranke slobode i pravde (SSP) Mila Popović ocenila je danas da će gradonačelnik Beograda Aleksandar Šapić dovesti grad do stečaja, navodeći da je prošle godine manjak u gradskom budžetu iznosio 72 miliona evra. “Šapiću, gde su pare Beograđana? Činjenica je da Beograd do sada nije platio

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US forces ready with a ‘range of options’ to deal with South China Sea aggression, US admiral says

US forces ready with a ‘range of options’ to deal with South China Sea aggression, US admiral says

BAGUIO, Philippines (AP) — American forces are ready with a “range of options” to deal with increasing acts of aggression in the disputed South China Sea if ordered to carry them out jointly and after consultations with treaty ally the Philippines, a U.S. admiral said Thursday. U.S. Indo-Pacific Command chief Adm. Samuel Paparo, who heads

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Turkey hosts meeting with Iraq, Qatar and UAE on multibillion-dollar infrastructure hub

Turkey hosts meeting with Iraq, Qatar and UAE on multibillion-dollar infrastructure hub

ISTANBUL (AP) — Transport ministers from Turkey, Iraq, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates are meeting in Istanbul on Thursday to discuss a multibillion-dollar regional transportation project designed to ease the movement of goods from Asia to Europe through Iraq. The proposed $20 billion Development Road Project is designed to facilitate the transport of goods

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Indonesia and Australia sign defense agreement

Indonesia and Australia sign defense agreement

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesia and Australia signed a defense agreement on Thursday that both sides described as a significant upgrade to their military relationship . Indonesia’s president-elect Prabowo Subianto , who also serves as defense minister, signed the Defense Cooperation Agreement with Australian Defense Minister Richard Marles at Indonesia’s National Military Academy in Magelang

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France’s Macron to visit Serbia with a possible deal to sell French warplanes in a shift from Russia

France’s Macron to visit Serbia with a possible deal to sell French warplanes in a shift from Russia

BELGRADE, Serbia (AP) — French President Emmanuel Macron starts a two-day state visit to Serbia on Thursday with the focus on the possible sale of 12 Rafale multi-purpose fighter jets to the country, which has maintained close ties to Russia despite its invasion of Ukraine. Macron is to meet populist President Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade

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Makronova poruka pred posetu Beogradu: Samo u okrilju EU Srbija će moći da ostane Srbija

Makronova poruka pred posetu Beogradu: Samo u okrilju EU Srbija će moći da ostane Srbija

Politika | 29.08.2024 | access_time 11:10 Evropskoj uniji (EU) i njenim zemljama članicama potrebno je da imaju jednu snažnu i demokratsku Srbiju u svom okrilju i Srbiji je potrebna jedna snažna i suverena EU da brani i promoviše svoje interese, poručio je francuski predsednik Emanuel Makron građanima Srbije pred posetu Beogradu. “Kada je rat, još

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