Jeremić: Nacionalni interes je odbacivanje francusko-nemačkog plana i povratak institucija na Kosovo

Jeremić: Nacionalni interes je odbacivanje francusko-nemačkog plana i povratak institucija na Kosovo

Politika | 28.09.2023 | access_time 08:50 Foto: Beta/MILAN OBRADOVIC Predsednik Narodne stranke Vuk Jeremić ocenio je da zaštita nacionalnog interesa i Srba na Kosovu podrazumeva odlučno odbacivanje “francusko-nemačkog” plana za nezavisnost Kosova, povratak institucija države Srbije na sever pokrajine, pre svega policije i sudstva, kao i pokretanje snažne međunarodne diplomatske inicijative.”Narodna stranka zahteva hitno zakazivanje

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Poslanici Zajedno i DS predali RTS-u pitanja predsedniku Srbije za večeras u 21:00

Poslanici Zajedno i DS predali RTS-u pitanja predsedniku Srbije za večeras u 21:00

Politika | 27.09.2023 | access_time 21:30 Dvoje poslanika stranke Zajedno i Demokratske stranke (DS) je Radio-Televiziji Srbije (RTS) predalo pitanja za predsednika Srbije Aleksandra Vučića koji će večeras u 21:00 sati govoriti na toj televiziji i tražili da novinari insistiraju na odgovorima na ta pitanja.Kolegijumu Informativnog programa RTS i glavnom uredniku Nenadu Lj. Stefanoviću pitanja

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Half of Nagorno-Karabakh’s population flees as the separatist government says it will dissolve | AP News

Half of Nagorno-Karabakh’s population flees as the separatist government says it will dissolve | AP News

YEREVAN, Armenia (AP) — The separatist government of Nagorno-Karabakh announced Thursday that it will dissolve itself and the unrecognized republic will cease to exist by the end of the year, and Armenian officials said more than half of the population has already fled.That is after Azerbaijan carried out a lightning offensive to reclaim full control

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4 environmental, human rights activists awarded ‘Alternative Nobel’ prizes | AP News

4 environmental, human rights activists awarded ‘Alternative Nobel’ prizes | AP News

COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — The Right Livelihood Award — known as the “Alternative Nobel” — was awarded Thursday to environment activists from Kenya and Cambodia, a human right defender from Ghana and a humanitarian group that rescues migrants in the Mediterranean Sea.The 2023 laureates “stand up to save lives, preserve nature and safeguard the dignity

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France’s government promises to root out school bullies, reacting to wide anger over child suicides | AP News

France’s government promises to root out school bullies, reacting to wide anger over child suicides | AP News

PARIS (AP) — Block school bullies from social networks. Give all children weekly empathy classes. Put anti-bullying experts in schools and courts.These are among promises the French government made Wednesday in response to growing nationwide concern about bullying, triggered by recent suicides of children whose families say they were bullied online or at school.Many parents

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