As UN Security Council takes up Ukraine, a potentially dramatic meeting may be at hand | AP News

As UN Security Council takes up Ukraine, a potentially dramatic meeting may be at hand | AP News

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — All eyes will be on Ukraine’s president and Russia’s top diplomat at a U.N. Security Council meeting Wednesday: Will they clash? Will they speak? Will they avoid each other entirely?The meeting’s topic is deeply relevant to those questions: It’s about upholding the U.N. Charter in Ukraine. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres minced no

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Thai king’s estranged son urges open discussion of monarchy, in rejection of anti-defamation law | AP News

Thai king’s estranged son urges open discussion of monarchy, in rejection of anti-defamation law | AP News

BANGKOK (AP) — An estranged son of Thailand’s king who has spent almost all his adult life away from his homeland has unexpectedly gone public with his belief that open discussions about the country’s monarchy should be allowed, in a rejection of a harsh royal anti-defamation law.Vacharaesorn Vivacharawongse, one of the king’s five sons, posted

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UN urges Afghanistan’s Taliban government to stop torture and protect the rights of detainees | AP News

UN urges Afghanistan’s Taliban government to stop torture and protect the rights of detainees | AP News

ISLAMABAD (AP) — The United Nations said Wednesday it has documented more than 1,600 cases of human rights violations committed by authorities in Afghanistan during arrests and detentions of people, and urged the Taliban government to stop torture and protect the rights of detainees.Nearly 50% of the violations consisted of “torture and other cruel, inhuman

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SSP: Pošta Srbije na neracionalne investicije potrošila 27 miliona evra

SSP: Pošta Srbije na neracionalne investicije potrošila 27 miliona evra

Politika | 20.09.2023 | access_time 13:45 Novosadski odbor Stranke slobode i pravde danas je ocenio da je Pošta Srbije na neracionalne investicije potrošila 27 miliona evra.”Naprednjački direktor Pošte Srbije Zoran Đorđević punom parom ‘čisti’ račune Pošte – na održavanje higijene, mobilne, paketomate i elektrovozila spiskao je 27 miliona evra”, navodi se u saopštenju SSP.Istaknuto je

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Ekološki ustanak pozvao aktiviste i građane u Gornje Nedeljice zbog pokušaja rušenja kuća

Ekološki ustanak pozvao aktiviste i građane u Gornje Nedeljice zbog pokušaja rušenja kuća

Politika | 20.09.2023 | access_time 13:15 Pokret Ekološki ustanak saopštio je danas da su njihovi članovi pošli u Gornje Nedeljice, gde je prema tvrdnjama aktivista kompanija “Rio Tinto” pokušala da sruši nekoliko kuća.”Pozivamo sve građane i aktiviste da se pridruže meštanima Gornjih Nedeljica u odbrani svojih ognjišta i da sprečimo ‘Rio Tinto’ i (predsednika Srbije)

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Pošta Srbije predstavila marke izdate povodom 115 godina diplomatskih odnosa Srbije i Egipta

Pošta Srbije predstavila marke izdate povodom 115 godina diplomatskih odnosa Srbije i Egipta

Ekonomija | 19.09.2023 | access_time 21:50 Pošta Srbije predstavila je večeras u rezidenciji egipatskog ambasadora Basela Salaha u Beogradu poštanske marke izdate povodom 115 godina diplomatskih odnosa Srbije i Egipta.”Egipat je kolevka civilizacije i zaista je slavljenje 115 godina diplomatskih odnosa velika čast”, rekao je novinarima direktor Srbijamarke u Pošti Adam Sofronijević.On je objasnio da

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Nafta ponovo ide na preko 100 dolara po barelu

Nafta ponovo ide na preko 100 dolara po barelu

Ekonomija | 20.09.2023 | access_time 09:10 Foto: Beta/Printscreen/YouTube Cene sirove nafte posle značajnog rasta približile su se nivou od 100 dolara po barelu, uz očekivanje da će uskoro opet preći taj prag, prenosi Radio slobodna Evropa (RSE) pisanje svetskih medija koji dodaju da je novi rast, usled odluke Saudijske Arabije i Rusije da produže smanjenje

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UN rights experts report a rise of efforts in Venezuela to squelch democracy ahead of 2024 election | AP News

UN rights experts report a rise of efforts in Venezuela to squelch democracy ahead of 2024 election | AP News

GENEVA (AP) — Venezuela’s government has intensified efforts to curtail democratic freedoms with use of threats, surveillance and harassment as President Nicolás Maduro faces a re-election contest next year, U.N.-backed human rights experts reported on Wednesday.An international fact-finding mission authorized by the Human Rights Council notes that violent repression between 2017 and 2019 eased after

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