Počeo zajednički sastanak Vučića i Kurtija sa evropskim posrednicima

Počeo zajednički sastanak Vučića i Kurtija sa evropskim posrednicima

Politika | 14.09.2023 | access_time 11:55 Foto: Beta/European Council/Frederic Sierakowski Predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić i premijer Kosova Aljbin Kurti sastali su se danas u Briselu, u okviru nove runde dijaloga uz posredstvo EU.Šef evropske diplomatije Žozep Borel i specijalni predstavnik EU za Zapadni Balkan Miroslav Lajčak prethodno su odvojeno razgovarali sa Vučićem i Kurtijem.Evropska služba

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Pokušaj razgovora vlasti i opozicije na RTS-u: Milenko Jovanov verbalno napadao Zorana Lutovca

Pokušaj razgovora vlasti i opozicije na RTS-u: Milenko Jovanov verbalno napadao Zorana Lutovca

Politika | 14.09.2023 | access_time 11:45 Foto: Beta/Printscreen/RTS Tokom pokušaja razgovora predstavnika vlasti i opozicije na Javnom medijskom servisu RTS, funkcioner Srpske napredne stranke (SNS) Milenko Jovanov više puta je danas kazao predsednika Demokratske stranke (DS) Zoranu Lutovcu da će mu “zavaliti šamarčinu” i prekidao njegovo izlaganje govoreći o drugim temama, dok je atmosfera u

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Otvaranje jubilarne sezone Beogradske filharmonije posvećeno Tasovcu

Otvaranje jubilarne sezone Beogradske filharmonije posvećeno Tasovcu

Novu sezonu, posvećenu stogodišnjici orkestra, Beogradska filharmonija otvoriće zajedno sa šefom-dirigentom Gabrijelom Felcom, u petak 15. septembra na Kolarcu, saopšteno je danas.Pod sloganom “Zauvek”, taj jubilej će biti obeležen na svakom koncertu od septembra do juna, a prvi u sezoni biće posvećen nekadašnjem direktoru Beogradske filharmonije Ivanu Tasovcu.”Baš kao što bi Tasovac želeo, koncertno slavlje

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Nigeria experiences a nationwide power outage after its electrical grid fails | AP News

Nigeria experiences a nationwide power outage after its electrical grid fails | AP News

ABUJA, Nigeria (AP) — Nigeria experienced a nationwide power outage Thursday after the country’s electrical grid collapsed due to technical failures, the West African nation’s electricity distribution companies reported.The outage affected all of Nigeria’s 36 states and the capital city of Abuja. The grid has collapsed multiple times, and it was not clear when power

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As all eyes are fixated on Danelo Cavalcante, a DC murder suspect is on the run and off the radar | AP News

As all eyes are fixated on Danelo Cavalcante, a DC murder suspect is on the run and off the radar | AP News

WASHINGTON (AP) — While the nation has been transfixed by the two-week manhunt for escaped prisoner Danelo Souza Cavalcante in Pennsylvania, another fugitive drama has been playing out in the nation’s capital with comparatively minimal attention. Christopher Haynes has been on the run for a week, since escaping from police custody at George Washington University

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Israel’s finance minister now governs the West Bank. Critics see steps toward permanent control | AP News

Israel’s finance minister now governs the West Bank. Critics see steps toward permanent control | AP News

ASA’EL, West Bank (AP) — With attention focused on its contentious judicial overhaul, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government has quietly taken unprecedented steps toward cementing Israel’s control over the West Bank — perhaps permanently.Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, a leader of the settlement movement, assumed new powers over the occupied territory in his coalition agreement with

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