Haitian officials meet in Dominican Republic to prevent border closings over canal dispute | AP News

Haitian officials meet in Dominican Republic to prevent border closings over canal dispute | AP News

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Haiti’s government announced that it met Wednesday with Dominican officials in the Dominican Republic to talk about a recent threat by that country’s president to close all borders in response to a row over the construction of a supposed canal.The brief statement by Haiti’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs did

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Basta: Hitna implementacija Ohridskog sporazuma

Basta: Hitna implementacija Ohridskog sporazuma

Politika | 13.09.2023 | access_time 20:45 foto: Djordje Krstic/Ministarstvo privrede Predsednik pokreta Evropski put Rade Basta poručio je predsedniku Srbije Aleksandru Vučiću i premijeru Kosova Aljbinu Kurtiju da mora da se sprovede dogovoreno iz Ohridskog sporazuma.Ocenio je da su odnosi na Balkanu previše komplikovani da bi im još jedan teret predstavljao Ohridski sporazum, odnosno neispunjavanje

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Brazilian Indigenous women use fashion to showcase their claim to rights and the demarcation of land | AP News

Brazilian Indigenous women use fashion to showcase their claim to rights and the demarcation of land | AP News

BRASILIA, Brazil (AP) — Indigenous women in Brazil’s capital Brasilia showcased their creations during a fashion event as part of the Third March of Indigenous Women to claim women’s rights and the demarcation of Indigenous lands.Under a huge white marquee, models in headdresses, necklaces and traditional attire strutted along a catwalk lined with green foliage

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Na današnji dan 13. septembar

Na današnji dan 13. septembar

Dogodilo se | 13.09.2023 | access_time 08:45 Na današnji dan 13. septembra 2022. umro je francusko-švajcarski reditelj Žan-Lik Godar, otac “Novog talasa”, u 92. godini života. Filmovima “Do poslednjeg daha” (1959) i “Prezir” (1963) napravio je revoluciju u filmskoj istoriji.1506 – Umro je italijanski slikar i graver Andrea Mantenja (Mantegna), najznačajniji predstavnik visoke renesanse u

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Woman with whom Texas AG Ken Paxton is said to have had an affair expected to testify at impeachment | AP News

Woman with whom Texas AG Ken Paxton is said to have had an affair expected to testify at impeachment | AP News

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A woman with whom Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is said to have had an extramarital affair was expected to give public testimony Wednesday, setting up a dramatic moment in the Republican’s impeachment trial on charges of corruption and bribery. The affair is central to the historic proceedings and accusations that

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