Na današnji dan 28. jul

Na današnji dan 28. jul

Dogodilo se | 28.07.2024 | access_time 11:00 Na današnji dan 28. jula 1914. Austro-Ugarska je objavila rat Srbiji, mesec dana posle atentata na prestolonaslednika Franca Ferdinanda u Sarajevu. Dalji tok događaja doveo je do Prvog svetskog rata. 1330 – Srpski kralj Stefan Dečanski potukao je u bici kod Velbužda vojsku bugarskog cara Mihajla Šišmana koji je

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Ukrainian tennis player withdraws from the Paris Olympics after catching a cold

Ukrainian tennis player withdraws from the Paris Olympics after catching a cold

PARIS (AP) — Ukrainian tennis player Anhelina Kalinina withdrew from the Paris Games because she caught a cold following rainy weather in France’s capital, her country’s Olympic committee said. “Unfortunately, we spent a long time on the courts yesterday waiting for the competition to start,” Kalinina said Sunday in a statement from the Ukrainian committee.

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