Brazilian police launch mega-operation in Rio de Janeiro favelas to fight organized crime

Brazilian police launch mega-operation in Rio de Janeiro favelas to fight organized crime

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Rio de Janeiro’s state law enforcement agencies launched a mega-operation with a force that includes nearly 2000 military and civil officers across ten low-income neighborhoods on Monday to regain control of areas dominated by organized crime, according to a statement by the state government. The officers were deployed in Rio’s

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Građanski preokret: Nova žalba protiv Grada Zrenjanina zbog Linglonga

Građanski preokret: Nova žalba protiv Grada Zrenjanina zbog Linglonga

Životna sredina | Izvor: Beta | 15.07.2024 | access_time 11:50 Građanski preokret podneo je danas žalbu Pokrajinskom sekretarijatu za urbanizam i zaštitu životne sredine protiv Gradske uprave grada Zrenjanina zbog ponovljene odluke da kineskom investitoru Linglong dozvoli izgradnju skladišta neopasnog otpada bez izrade Studije o proceni uticaja na životnu sredinu. To je ponovljeni postupak jer

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Ethnic Greek politician jailed in Albania arrives in Athens en route to European Parliament opening

Ethnic Greek politician jailed in Albania arrives in Athens en route to European Parliament opening

ATHENS, Greece (AP) — A jailed member of Albania’s ethnic Greek minority — recently elected to the European Parliament with Greece’s governing conservative party — arrived in Athens Monday en route to Strasbourg, after being granted a five-day leave from prison to attend parliament’s opening session. A dual Greek-Albanian citizen, 51-year-old Fredis Beleris is serving

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