DS: Škole u Srbije će uskoro ostati bez nastavnika

DS: Škole u Srbije će uskoro ostati bez nastavnika

Politika | 28.06.2024 | access_time 14:40 Demokratska stranka (DS) je danas upozorila da će škole u Srbiji uskoro ostati bez nastavnika. Navela je da na novosadskom Univerzitetu nije bilo zainteresovanih za prijemni ispit za nastavnika hemije, dok se u Beogradu prijavio samo jedan maturant. DS je u saopštenju navela da većina fakulteta u Srbiji “ili

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Vučević: Vidovdan je i podsetnik i obaveza

Vučević: Vidovdan je i podsetnik i obaveza

Politika | 28.06.2024 | access_time 13:35 Foto: Vlada Srbije/Slobodan Miljević Premijer Srbije Miloš Vučević je danas na centralnoj proslavi državnog praznika Vidovdana i 635. godišnjice Kosovskog boja rekao u Kruševcu da je to dan kada se “prepliću prošlost, sadašnjost i budućnost” i da je to dan koji je “ugaoni kamen naše kulture i nacionalnog identiteta”.

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Bolivian government says it detained 4 more people in connection with a failed coup attempt

Bolivian government says it detained 4 more people in connection with a failed coup attempt

LA PAZ, Bolivia (AP) — Bolivian government officials said Friday they arrested four more people in connection with Wednesday’s failed coup attempt against President Luis Arce, bringing the total detained to 21. Government Minister Eduardo del Castillo said that among those arrested were military officers, including the driver of an armored vehicle that rammed into

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Argentine Congress seals 1st legislative win for President Milei after months of debate and protests

Argentine Congress seals 1st legislative win for President Milei after months of debate and protests

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — Argentina’s lower house on Friday approved President Javier Milei’s sweeping economic overhaul bills, sealing a much-needed legislative victory for the libertarian leader after six months of bruising negotiations and raucous protests that had raised questions about his ability to govern. Milei’s landmark legislation, which seeks to trim Argentina’s fiscal deficit

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