Probe begins into police conduct during Kenya’s anti-government protests

Probe begins into police conduct during Kenya’s anti-government protests

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — An investigation began Friday in Kenya into police conduct during protests against a government plan to impose new taxes, according to the country’s police watchdog. The chairperson of Kenya’s Independent Policing Oversight Authority, Anne Makori, lauded protesters for demonstrating peacefully and urged police to exercise restraint while noting the killing of

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EU nations approve opening of enlargement talks with Ukraine and Moldova next week

EU nations approve opening of enlargement talks with Ukraine and Moldova next week

BRUSSELS (AP) — European Union countries on Friday formally approved the launch of accession negotiations with war-torn Ukraine and Moldova next week, another step in the two nations’ long journey to join the 27-nation bloc. Belgium, which currently holds the presidency of the European Union, said member states have agreed on a negotiating framework. “This

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Swiss criminal court to rule on alleged human-trafficking of Indians by billionaire Hinduja family

Swiss criminal court to rule on alleged human-trafficking of Indians by billionaire Hinduja family

GENEVA (AP) — A criminal court rules Friday on whether members of a billionaire family engaged in illegal human trafficking and mistreated their servants, mostly illiterate Indians, who were employed at their luxurious lakeside villa in Geneva. Four members of the Hinduja family are accused of seizing workers’ passports, paying them in rupees – not

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Tepić (SSP): Skandalozne izjave predstavnika Bundestaga o litijumu i EXPO 2027

Tepić (SSP): Skandalozne izjave predstavnika Bundestaga o litijumu i EXPO 2027

Politika | 21.06.2024 | access_time 11:55 Potpredsednica Stranke slobode i pravde Marinika Tepić ocenila je danas da su izjave izvestioca poslaničke grupe CDU u nemačkom Bundestagu Timlana Kubana o kopanju litijuma u Srbiji i EXPO 2027 skandalozne i da je jasno zbog čega je predsednik Srbije “gotovo sakrio od javnosti” njegovu posetu Beogradu. “Poslaniku Kubanu

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Kompanija Rio Tinto odbacila navode predstavnice SEOS-a o projektu Jadar

Kompanija Rio Tinto odbacila navode predstavnice SEOS-a o projektu Jadar

Zelena Srbija | 20.06.2024 | access_time 18:25 Foto: Beta/ Milan Timotić  Kompanija Rio Tinto ocenila je danas stavove Ljiljane Bralović iz Saveza ekoloških organizacija Srbije (SEOS) o projektu “Jadar”, kao neodgovorne i neutemeljene. Bralović je prethodno kazala da veruje da će se narod Srbije i sve opozicione političke stranke i ekološki pokreti ujediniti kako bi

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The Latest | Armenia recognizes a Palestinian state, and Israel summons its ambassador

The Latest | Armenia recognizes a Palestinian state, and Israel summons its ambassador

Armenia said it would recognize a Palestinian state on Friday, prompting Israel to summon its ambassador for what the Foreign Ministry described as a “severe reprimand.” Dozens of countries have recognized a Palestinian state, though none of the major Western powers has done so. Palestinians believe the recognitions confer international legitimacy on their struggle, especially

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