Wildfires in Portugal blamed for three deaths as Europe sends aircraft to help

Wildfires in Portugal blamed for three deaths as Europe sends aircraft to help

LISBON, Portugal (AP) — Five thousand firefighters struggled Tuesday to contain multiple wildfires raging across northern Portugal that are blamed for causing three deaths and forcing an unknown number of residents to flee their homes. Some 100 fires reported by national authorities stretched the firefighting brigades. Authorities have yet to give figures on how many

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Vučić nudi pomoć Srbije evropskim zemljama pogođenim poplavama

Vučić nudi pomoć Srbije evropskim zemljama pogođenim poplavama

Predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić ponudio je danas “svu neophodnu pomoć i podršku” zemljama Centralne i Istočne Evrope pogođenim obilnim poplavama. Vučić je u objavi na Tviteru uputio saučešće porodicama poginulih u poplavama u tim zemljama. Поводом трагичних последица поплава које су погодиле Чешку, Пољску, Словачку, Аустрију и Мађарску и изражавам најдубље саучешће породицама страдалих и

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