UK police step up efforts to ensure a massive pro-Palestinian march in London remains peaceful | AP News

UK police step up efforts to ensure a massive pro-Palestinian march in London remains peaceful | AP News

LONDON (AP) — London police have stepped up efforts to ensure a pro-Palestinian march on Saturday remains peaceful following a week of political sparring over whether the demonstration should go ahead on the weekend Britain honors its war dead.More than 2,000 officers, some called in from surrounding forces, will be on the streets of the

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‘We want her back,’ husband of US journalist detained in Russia appeals for her immediate release | AP News

‘We want her back,’ husband of US journalist detained in Russia appeals for her immediate release | AP News

PRAGUE (AP) — This wasn’t how Pavel Butorin expected to celebrate his anniversary this week, with his wife of 21 years in a Russian prison and barely any communication available. Russian-American journalist, Alsu Kurmasheva — who works as an editor for U.S. government-funded Radio Free Europe — has been detained in Russia for almost a

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A missile strike targets Kyiv as Russian train carriages derail due to ‘unauthorized interference’ | AP News

A missile strike targets Kyiv as Russian train carriages derail due to ‘unauthorized interference’ | AP News

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Russian forces targeted Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv, as part of an overnight bombardment felt across the country, local officials said Saturday, while drones that Russian officials blamed on the Ukrainian military targeted areas around Moscow and the region of Smolensk.A ballistic missile was shot down as it approached the Ukrainian capital, said

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SRS: Vršnjačko nasilje suzbiti pedagoškim merama prevencije

SRS: Vršnjačko nasilje suzbiti pedagoškim merama prevencije

Politika | 11.11.2023 | access_time 11:10 Srpska radikalna stranka (SRS) ocenila je danas da je za suzbijanje učestalih slučajeva vršnjačkog nasilja nepohodno primeniti pedagoške mere prevencije, uključujući i vraćanje autoriteta prosvetnim radnicima.Kandidat SRS za poslanika na predstojećim parlamentarnim izborima Miroslav Jovović ocenio je da je “ključni faktor” u rešavanju vršnjačkog nasilja “timski rad roditelja

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Krkobabić: PUPS će na listi ‘Srbija ne sme da stane’ imati više kandidata nego na prošlim izborima

Krkobabić: PUPS će na listi ‘Srbija ne sme da stane’ imati više kandidata nego na prošlim izborima

Politika | 11.11.2023 | access_time 11:05 BETAPHOTO/PUPS/Risto Kostov Predsednik Partije ujedinjenih penzionera, poljoprivrednika i proletera Srbije (PUPS) – Solidarnost i pravda Milan Krkobabić izjavio je danas da će ta partija, u okviru liste “Aleksandar Vučić – Srbija ne sme da stane” za parlamentarne izbore 17. decembra, imati više kandidata za poslanike nego na izborima 2022.Krkobabić

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Narodna stranka: Lekar Rade Panić podržao izbornu listu ‘Siguran izbor – ozbiljni ljudi’

Narodna stranka: Lekar Rade Panić podržao izbornu listu ‘Siguran izbor – ozbiljni ljudi’

Politika | 10.11.2023 | access_time 21:25 Lekar Rade Panić podržao je danas u Kraljevu svojim potpisom listu Narodne stranke “Siguran izbor – ozbiljni ljudi” za izbore raspisane za 17. decembar, saopšteno je iz te stranke.”Čisto je. Znate sigurno šta je politika Narodne stranke. Imaju snage da izađu na izbore samostalno”, rekao je Panić tom prilikom.Panić

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Morocco debates how to rebuild from September quake that killed thousands | AP News

Morocco debates how to rebuild from September quake that killed thousands | AP News

MOULAY BRAHIM, Morocco (AP) — When a historic earthquake struck Morocco in September, Ahmed Aazab tightly hugged his wife and four children as their home’s brick walls tumbled around them.The roof collapsed, shattering clay pots in the kitchen and trapping picture frames and homework assignments beneath rubble. When the ground finally stopped shaking, the construction

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