Portugal’s prime minister offers his resignation as his government is involved in a corruption probe | AP News

Portugal’s prime minister offers his resignation as his government is involved in a corruption probe | AP News

LISBON, Portugal (AP) — Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa said Tuesday he was offering his resignation after his government was involved in a widespread corruption probe, sending a shock wave through the normally tranquil politics of the European Union member.The 62-year-old Costa, Portugal’s Socialist leader since 2015, asserted his innocence but said in a nationally

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Court panel removes Indonesia’s chief justice for ethical breach that benefited president’s son | AP News

Court panel removes Indonesia’s chief justice for ethical breach that benefited president’s son | AP News

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — The chief justice of Indonesia’s top court was dismissed from the post after an ethics council found him guilty Tuesday of making last-minute changes to election candidacy requirements. Constitutional Court Chief Justice Anwar Usman committed the ethical violation that cleared the way for President Joko Widodo’s eldest son to run for

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Military-ruled Myanmar hosts joint naval exercise with Russia, its close ally and top arms supplier | AP News

Military-ruled Myanmar hosts joint naval exercise with Russia, its close ally and top arms supplier | AP News

BANGKOK (AP) — The military-run Southeast Asian nation of Myanmar is holding its first joint naval exercise with Russia, state media reported Tuesday, with the two nations carrying out maneuvers in the Andaman Sea.Reports in the state-run Global New Light of Myanmar newspaper said that the maritime security exercise between Myanmar and Russia was being

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US asks Congo and Rwanda to de-escalate tensions as fighting near their border displaces millions | AP News

US asks Congo and Rwanda to de-escalate tensions as fighting near their border displaces millions | AP News

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has urged Rwanda and Congo to de-escalate tensions and withdraw troops from their border following increased fighting that has displaced nearly 7 million people.Blinken spoke separately by phone with Congolese President Felix Tshisekedi and Rwandan President Paul Kagame about the “volatile situation and worsening humanitarian

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Bangladesh raises monthly minimum wage for garment workers to $113 following weeks of protests | AP News

Bangladesh raises monthly minimum wage for garment workers to $113 following weeks of protests | AP News

DHAKA, Bangladesh (AP) — Authorities in Bangladesh announced a new salary structure on Tuesday for protesting garment factory workers with a 56% increase in the monthly minimum wage to $113 from the previous $75, a decision rejected by some workers’ groups as too small. State Minister for Labor and Employment Monnujan Sufian announced the decision

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Cyprus has a plan for a humanitarian sea corridor to Gaza and will present it to EU leaders | AP News

Cyprus has a plan for a humanitarian sea corridor to Gaza and will present it to EU leaders | AP News

NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) — Cyprus will present its plan for a humanitarian sea corridor to Gaza when the Cypriot president meets other EU heads of state in Paris at an international donor conference for the besieged Palestinian enclave on Nov. 9, an official said Tuesday. Government spokesman Constantinos Letymbiotis told reporters the initiative to ship

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Kosovo: Od 1. novembra na RKS tablice registrovana 733 vozila

Kosovo: Od 1. novembra na RKS tablice registrovana 733 vozila

Kosovo | 07.11.2023 | access_time 15:45 Od 1. novembra 733 automobila sa severa Kosova sa registarskim oznakama koje Priština smatra za “nelegalne”, preregistrovani su na RKS registarske tablice, saopštila je Kosovska policija.Zamenik direktora policije na severu Mitrovice Veton Eljšani izjavio je da je danas do podne na kosovske registarske tablice preregistrovano 88 vozila.Prethodno su iz

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Mali: Inflacija u oktobru pala na 8,5 odsto

Mali: Inflacija u oktobru pala na 8,5 odsto

Ministar finansija Srbije Siniša Mali izjavio je danas da je inflacija u oktobru pala na 8,5 odsto, sa 10,2 odsto, koliko je iznosila u septembru.”To je zajednički uspeh svih nas. Očekivali smo jednocifrenu inflaciju u decembru, ali očigledno su sve mere koje smo preduzeli poslednjih meseci dale rezultat”, rekao je Mali posle obilska nove zgrade Poreske

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