Jeremić: Da nam nisu bile bitne ideološke i programske razlike, sarađivali bismo sa opozicijom

Jeremić: Da nam nisu bile bitne ideološke i programske razlike, sarađivali bismo sa opozicijom

Politika | Izvor: Beta | 05.11.2023 | access_time 10:15 Predsednik Narodne stranke Vuk Jeremić ocenio je danas da bi ta stranka sarađivala sa opozicionom koalijom “Srbija protiv nasilja” da im nisu bile bitne ideološke i prograske razlike.”Vlada koja bude obrazovana nakon izbora će morati da zabrani kopanje litijuma, da prestane sa prekomernim zaduživanjima u inostranstvu

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Potpredsednik SSP-a: Posle izbora, uvešćemo vanredno stanje u sektoru energetike

Potpredsednik SSP-a: Posle izbora, uvešćemo vanredno stanje u sektoru energetike

Potpredsednik Stranke slobode i pravde (SSP) Dušan Nikezić izjavio je danas da ukoliko ta stranka odnese pobedu na predstojećim izborima uvešće vanredno stanje u sektoru energetike, imenovati profesionalno rukovodstvo i pozvati na odgovornost sve u lancu odlučivanja.Nikezić je rekao da novu, uvećanu cenu struje za privredu neće plaćati najveći industrijski potrošači, koji “već godinama plaćaju

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Afghans fleeing Pakistan lack water, food and shelter once they cross the border, aid groups say | AP News

Afghans fleeing Pakistan lack water, food and shelter once they cross the border, aid groups say | AP News

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Afghans fleeing Pakistan to avoid arrest and deportation are sleeping in the open, without proper shelter, food, drinking water and toilets once they cross the border to their homeland, aid agencies said Sunday.Hundreds of thousands of Afghans have left Pakistan in recent weeks as authorities pursue foreigners they say are in the

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Prince William arrives in Singapore for annual Earthshot Prize award, the first to be held in Asia | AP News

Prince William arrives in Singapore for annual Earthshot Prize award, the first to be held in Asia | AP News

SINGAPORE (AP) — Prince William arrived Sunday in Singapore for the annual Earthshot Prize awards, the first to be held in Asia, to support environmental innovators with solutions to battle climate change and save the planet. Upon his arrival, dozens of people waving British flags welcomed him with loud cheers. William, 41, shook hands, signed

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Russia says it test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile from a new nuclear submarine | AP News

Russia says it test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile from a new nuclear submarine | AP News

MOSCOW (AP) — The Russian military on Sunday reported a successful test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile designed to carry nuclear warheads from a new nuclear submarine. The report comes as tensions are soaring between Russia and the West over the fighting in Ukraine. Adding to those tensions, President Vladimir Putin last week signed

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Češka Peni Farting – vožnja starinskih bicikala

Češka Peni Farting – vožnja starinskih bicikala

Svet | 04.11.2023 | access_time 13:05 Češka Peni Farting – vožnja starinskih bicikila. Entuzijasti obučeni u istorijske kostime uživaju u vožnji na svojim peni-farting biciklima tokom svoje tradicionalne trke u Pragu, Češka Republika, u subotu, 4. novembra 2023. (AP Photo/Petr David Josek) Teme Zanimljivosti Šta drugi čitaju Scena IT

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