Srbija 2024. godine dobija 5G mobilnu mrežu

Srbija 2024. godine dobija 5G mobilnu mrežu

Tehnologija | 30.10.2023 | access_time 11:25 Srbija je počela pripreme za uvođenje 5G mreže, donošenjem regulatornog okvira. Aukcija za dodelu frekvencija trebalo bi da bude završena sredinom sledeće godine, a da se do tada izgrade bazne stanice za početak rada te mreže. Srbija spada u malobrojne zemlje u Evropi, pored Bosne i Hercegovine, Severne Makedonije, Rusije, Turske i Litvanije koje nemaju 5G mobilnu mrežu.Ta

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Oil prices could reach ‘uncharted waters’ if the Israel-Hamas war escalates, the World Bank says | AP News

Oil prices could reach ‘uncharted waters’ if the Israel-Hamas war escalates, the World Bank says | AP News

WASHINGTON (AP) — The World Bank reported Monday that oil prices could be pushed into “uncharted waters” if the violence between Israel and Hamas intensifies, which could result in increased food prices worldwide. The World Bank’s Commodity Markets Outlook found that while the effects on oil prices should be limited if the conflict doesn’t widen

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US consumers keep spending despite high prices and their own gloomy outlook. Can it last? | AP News

US consumers keep spending despite high prices and their own gloomy outlook. Can it last? | AP News

WASHINGTON (AP) — A flow of recent data from the U.S. government has made one thing strikingly clear: A surge in consumer spending is fueling strong growth, demonstrating a resilience that has confounded economists, Federal Reserve officials and even the sour sentiments that Americans themselves have expressed in opinion polls.Spending by consumers rose by a

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Ukrainian officials say Russian shelling killed a 91-year-old woman in a ‘terrifying night’ | AP News

Ukrainian officials say Russian shelling killed a 91-year-old woman in a ‘terrifying night’ | AP News

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Russian shells struck residential areas of Ukraine’s southern Kherson region, killing a 91-year-old woman in what a local official described Monday as a “terrifying night” in the 20-month war that shows no signs of ending.The overnight shelling set fire to a high-rise apartment building, blew out windows and reduced some apartments

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Milićević: Nema postizborne koalicije sa ‘kvazievropejcima i kvazipatriotama’, već sa Vučićem

Milićević: Nema postizborne koalicije sa ‘kvazievropejcima i kvazipatriotama’, već sa Vučićem

Politika | 30.10.2023 | access_time 10:55 Foto: Beta/Screenshot/YouTube Funkcioner Socijalističke partije Srbije (SPS) Đorđe Milićević izjavio je da je ta stranka na jučerašnoj sednici Glavnog odbora odlučila da na izbore izađe sa “tradicionalnim predizborim patrnerima” i da posle izbora neće ići u koaliciju sa “kvazievropejcima ili kvazipatriotama”, već očekuje nastavak partnerstva Aleksandra Vučića i Ivice

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Veselinović (ZLF): Opozicija ima šanse da vrati Beograd, biće kontrolora na svim biračkim mestima

Veselinović (ZLF): Opozicija ima šanse da vrati Beograd, biće kontrolora na svim biračkim mestima

Politika | 30.10.2023 | access_time 10:25 Foto: Beta/MILAN OBRADOVIC Odbornik Zeleno – levog fronta (ZLF) u Skupštini Beograda Dobrica Veselinović izjavio je danas da očekuje pobedu koalicije “Beograd protiv nasilja” na izborima najavljenim za 17. decembar, kao i da je već počela “tranzicija vlasti” podnošenjem ostavke gradonačelnika Aleksandra Šapića i formiranjem privremenog organa.Veselinović je za

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Dnevni život Vašingtona

Dnevni život Vašingtona

Svet | 30.10.2023 | access_time 10:35 Trajekt države Vašington dolazi da pristane na trajektnom terminalu u Sijetlu ispred parka T-Mobile, u pozadini planine Rainier, dok sunce zalazi u nedelju, 29. oktobra 2023., u Sijetlu. (AP Photo/Lindsei Vasson) Trajekt države Vašington pristaje na trajektnom terminalu u Sijetlu ispred Lumen Filda, levo i T-Mobile Parka, desno, sa

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Some striking UAW members carry family legacies, Black middle-class future along with picket signs | AP News

Some striking UAW members carry family legacies, Black middle-class future along with picket signs | AP News

WAYNE, Mich. (AP) — As Britney Johnson paced the picket line outside Ford’s Wayne Assembly plant, she wasn’t just carrying a sign demanding higher pay and other changes.She also carried a legacy of car factory jobs and union wages that allowed generations of her family to enjoy middle-class lifestyles and that for years had been

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Bangladesh top court commutes death sentences of 7 militants to life in prison for 2016 cafe attack | AP News

Bangladesh top court commutes death sentences of 7 militants to life in prison for 2016 cafe attack | AP News

DHAKA, Bangladesh (AP) — Bangladesh’s High Court on Monday commuted the death sentences of seven Islamic militants to life in prison for their role in a 2016 attack on a cafe in the capital, Dhaka, that killed 20 people, mostly foreigners.A special anti-terrorism tribunal in 2019 sentenced the seven members of a banned militant group

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