Marković Palma: Jedinstvena Srbija na izbore izlazi u koaliciji s SPS, to je naša bratska partija

Marković Palma: Jedinstvena Srbija na izbore izlazi u koaliciji s SPS, to je naša bratska partija

Politika | 28.10.2023 | access_time 12:50 Jedinstvena Srbija nastupiće na predstojećim parlamentarnim izborima u koaliciji sa Socijalističkom partijom Srbije (SPS), najavio je predsednik JS Dragan Marković Palma.On je u Jagodini, na skupu omladine gradskog odbora JS, ocenio je da je koalicija te stranke i SPS “politički fenomen kao najdugovečnija koalicija u istoriji parlamentarizma u Srbiji”.”To

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Koalicija NADA počela predizbornu kampanju: Borba protiv korupcije i nepotizma prioriteti

Koalicija NADA počela predizbornu kampanju: Borba protiv korupcije i nepotizma prioriteti

Politika | 28.10.2023 | access_time 12:45 Koalicija NADA koju čine Nova Demokratska stranka Srbije i Pokret obnove kraljevine Srbije (POKS) danas je u Beogradu započela predizbornu kampanju.Predsednik Nove Demokratske stranke Srbije Miloš Jovanović je na konferenciji za medije u Knez Mihailovoj ulici rekao da je nesnosno stanje u državi zbog korupcije, nepotizma, stranačkog zapošljavanja i

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Socijaldemokratska partija Srbije saopštila da na izbore izlazi u koaliciji sa naprednjacima

Socijaldemokratska partija Srbije saopštila da na izbore izlazi u koaliciji sa naprednjacima

Politika | 28.10.2023 | access_time 11:25 Socijaldemokratska partija (SDP) Srbije saopštila je danas da će na predstojećim izborima nastupiti u koaliciji sa Srpskom naprednom strankom, u okviru liste „Aleksandar Vučić – Srbija ne sme da stane“.Iz ove stranke, čije je predsednik Rasim Ljajić, su u saopštenju naveli da je to nastavak saradnje iz prethodnog perioda

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South Koreans hold subdued Halloween celebrations a year after party crush killed about 160 people | AP News

South Koreans hold subdued Halloween celebrations a year after party crush killed about 160 people | AP News

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — Halloween celebrations in South Korea were subdued on the eve of the first anniversary of the harrowing party crush that killed about 160 people.Many restaurants, bars, department stores and amusement parks are avoiding Halloween-themed events as a sign of respect for the victims. Few people clad in Halloween costumes were

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Jewish and Muslim chaplains navigate US campus tensions and help students roiled by Israel-Hamas war | AP News

Jewish and Muslim chaplains navigate US campus tensions and help students roiled by Israel-Hamas war | AP News

For many of the university chaplains and faith leaders caring for students angered and shaken by the Israel-Hamas war, the needs are acute, the days intense. The bloodshed has roiled campuses in the United States, at times sparking rival rallies and competing demands.Kaiser Aslam, Muslim chaplain at the Center for Islamic Life at Rutgers University

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At least 32 people were killed in a multi-vehicle pileup on a highway in Egypt, authorities say | AP News

At least 32 people were killed in a multi-vehicle pileup on a highway in Egypt, authorities say | AP News

CAIRO (AP) — A passenger bus slammed into a parked vehicle on a foggy Saturday morning on a highway linking the Egyptian capital, Cairo, and the Mediterranean city of Alexandria, killing at least 32 people, authorities said.The multi-car pileup, which set some vehicles ablaze, left at least 63 others injured, said the Health Ministry. Ambulances

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Police arrest 27 suspected militants in nationwide crackdown as Indonesia gears up for 2024 election | AP News

Police arrest 27 suspected militants in nationwide crackdown as Indonesia gears up for 2024 election | AP News

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesian police said Saturday they arrested at least 27 suspected militants believed to have links to banned extremist groups, in a nationwide crackdown as the world’s most populous Muslim-majority country gears up for elections in 2024.The police’s elite counterterrorism squad, known as Densus 88, made the arrests on Friday in the

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A roadside bomb kills 2 soldiers and troops kill 1 militant in northwest Pakistan | AP News

A roadside bomb kills 2 soldiers and troops kill 1 militant in northwest Pakistan | AP News

Two Pakistani soldiers and one militant were killed in a roadside bomb explosion and in a separate shootout during an overnight military operation against militant activity in the northwest alongside the border with Afghanistan, the military said Saturday.A military statement said an intelligence-based operation was conducted in the Tirah valley of Khyber district late Friday

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Stamatović: Zdrava Srbija će možda ući u koaliciju s SNS-om, ali uz nekoliko uslova

Stamatović: Zdrava Srbija će možda ući u koaliciju s SNS-om, ali uz nekoliko uslova

Politika | 28.10.2023 | access_time 10:55 Foto: Beta/DIMITRIJE GOLL Predsednik “Zdrave Srbije” Milan Stamatović rekao je danas da će ta stranka možda ući u koaliciju sa Srpskom naprednom strankom (SNS), odnosno Narodnim pokretom za Srbiju, ali, kako je naveo, uz nekoliko uslova.On je za list Danas kazao da će za zajednički nastup na izborima zahtevati

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