Tepić: Pred nama su najvažniji izbori, ključno pitanje – da li želimo normalnu Srbiju

Tepić: Pred nama su najvažniji izbori, ključno pitanje – da li želimo normalnu Srbiju

Potpredsednica Stranke slobode i pravde (SSP) Marinika Tepić, koja će biti jedan od nosilaca zajedničke liste opozicionih stranaka koje organizuju proteste “Srbija protiv nasilja” na predstojećim parlamentarnim izborima, ocenila je danas da su pred Srbijom “najvažniji izbori”.”Pred nama je ključno pitanje da li želimo normalnu Srbiju, normalno društvo bez nasilja, mržnje, podela, pritisaka, ucena, korupcije

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War-weary mothers, wives and children of Ukrainian soldiers demand a cap on military service time | AP News

War-weary mothers, wives and children of Ukrainian soldiers demand a cap on military service time | AP News

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Scores of protesters gathered on the streets of Ukrainian cities on Friday to demand a cap of 18 months on mandatory military service, amid new suggestions of possible Ukrainian and international weariness with the 20-month war.Both the warring sides are striving to keep their military momentum, though neither side is able

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As the ‘Hollywood of the South,’ Atlanta has boomed. Its actors and crew are now at a crossroads | AP News

As the ‘Hollywood of the South,’ Atlanta has boomed. Its actors and crew are now at a crossroads | AP News

ATLANTA (AP) — A lighting technician is mowing lawns. A camera assistant is teaching guitar again. An actor has thought about shifting careers.For more than a decade, work had been nonstop in Atlanta’s booming film industry thanks to Georgia’s extremely generous tax break. Dubbed the “Hollywood of the South,” metro Atlanta became a ubiquitous backdrop

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Israel-Hamas war upends years of conventional wisdom. Leaders give few details on what comes next | AP News

Israel-Hamas war upends years of conventional wisdom. Leaders give few details on what comes next | AP News

JERUSALEM (AP) — Just three weeks into the deadliest war between Israel and Hamas, it already is clear that the bloodshed has flipped long-standing assumptions in Israel and the region upside down.Israel’s military and intelligence services were exposed as incompetent and ill-prepared. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decades of attempts to sideline the Palestinians and

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Huawei reports its revenue inched higher in January-September despite US sanctions | AP News

Huawei reports its revenue inched higher in January-September despite US sanctions | AP News

HONG KONG (AP) — Chinese telecoms equipment maker Huawei Technologies said its revenue edged higher in the first three quarters of the year, even as it grappled with U.S. sanctions that have hindered both its sales and its purchases of advanced technology.The Shenzhen-headquartered firm said Friday that it generated 456.6 billion yuan ($86.3 billion) in

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Borel: Bez dogovora lidera Srbije i Kosova, preduslovi svake strane za drugu bili neprihvatljivi

Borel: Bez dogovora lidera Srbije i Kosova, preduslovi svake strane za drugu bili neprihvatljivi

Šef evropske diplomatije Žozep Borel izjavio je da dogovor lidera Srbije i Kosova nije bio moguć zbog preduslova svake od strana koji su za drugu bili neprihvatljivi.Posle jučerašnjih odvojenih razgovora lidera EU, Francuske, Nemačke i Italije sa kosovskim premijerom Aljbinom Kurtijem i predsednikom Srbije Aleksandrom Vučićem u Briselu, Borel je rekao da su “svi zajedno

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Live updates | Israeli forces conduct another ground raid in Gaza ahead of expected invasion | AP News

Live updates | Israeli forces conduct another ground raid in Gaza ahead of expected invasion | AP News

Israeli forces conducted another ground raid in Gaza in advance of an expected invasion of the Hamas-ruled territory. U.S. warplanes, meanwhile, struck targets in eastern Syria after attacks on U.S. forces by Iran-backed fighters, adding to regional tensions fueled by the 3-week-old Gaza war.The Palestinian death toll passed 7,000 as Israel launched waves of airstrikes

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