Zrenjanin raspisao javni poziv za energetsku efikasnost

Zrenjanin raspisao javni poziv za energetsku efikasnost

Tranzicija | Izvor: Beta | 25.10.2023 | access_time 15:00 Grad Zrenjanin raspisao je javni poziv za sufinansiranje mera energetske sanacije porodičnih kuća i stanova na teritoriji tog grada, za šta je zajedno sa sredstvima Ministarstva rudarstva i energetike obezbeđeno 30 miliona dinara.Građani će moći da dobiju bespovratna sredstva za zamenu stolarije, izolaciju, ugradnju kotlova, solarnih

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India eases a visa ban a month after Canada alleged its involvement in a Sikh separatist’s killing | AP News

India eases a visa ban a month after Canada alleged its involvement in a Sikh separatist’s killing | AP News

NEW DELHI (AP) — India on Wednesday announced an easing of its visa ban on Canadian nationals imposed more than a month ago after Canada alleged that India was involved in the assassination of a Sikh separatist in Canada.India announced that it will resume services for entry, business, medical and conference visas starting Thursday, according

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Most of Justice Thomas’ $267,000 loan for an RV seems to have been forgiven, Senate Democrats say | AP News

Most of Justice Thomas’ $267,000 loan for an RV seems to have been forgiven, Senate Democrats say | AP News

WASHINGTON (AP) — All or most of a $267,000 loan obtained by Supreme CourtJustice Clarence Thomas to buy a high-end motorcoach appears to have been forgiven, raising tax and ethics questions, according to a new report by Senate Democrats.Anthony “Tony” Welters, a longtime friend of Thomas who made the loan in 1999, forgave the debt

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Trump’s lawyers question Michael Cohen’s motives in fraud trial | AP News

Trump’s lawyers question Michael Cohen’s motives in fraud trial | AP News

NEW YORK (AP) — Michael Cohen returned to the witness stand Wednesday in his ex-boss Donald Trump’s civil business fraud trial as the former president’s defense team tried to undermine the credibility and question the motives of his onetime personal attorney turned adversary.Outside the courtroom, Trump’s commentary led the judge to weigh whether Trump had

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Some companies using lots of water want to be more sustainable. Few are close to their targets | AP News

Some companies using lots of water want to be more sustainable. Few are close to their targets | AP News

WASHINGTON (AP) — Major corporations in water-guzzling industries such as clothing, food, beverage and technology want to be better stewards of the freshwater they use — especially as drought, floods and other extreme weather intensified by climate change threaten their supply chains. But of 72 companies ranked by a sustainability nonprofit over the past year

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Srbija pala za 10 mesta prema indeksu vladavine prava

Srbija pala za 10 mesta prema indeksu vladavine prava

Politika | 25.10.2023 | access_time 15:40 Srbija je nazadovala u oblasti vladavine prava prema indeksu Svetskog projekta pravde (World Justice Project – WJP) na kojem je ove godina zauzela 93. mesto od 142 zemlje i najlošije je rangirana među zemljama regiona.Indeks WJP već godinama beleži pad vladavine prava u Srbiji, koja je prošle godine bila

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Stefanović (SSP): Spremamo se za izbore posle kojih će se Srbija izbaviti iz kandži kriminala

Stefanović (SSP): Spremamo se za izbore posle kojih će se Srbija izbaviti iz kandži kriminala

Politika | 25.10.2023 | access_time 15:20 Srbija se sprema za izbore posle kojih će se izbaviti iz kandži kriminala, ponovo uspostaviti demokratiju i krenuti na put povratka kući u Evropu koja je garant mira, stabilnosti i dobrog života, izjavio je zamenik predsednika Stranke slobode i pravde (SSP) Borko Stefanović na međunarodnoj Konferenciji koju je u

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Lovci u S.Makedoniji spasli čoveka od medveda

Lovci u S.Makedoniji spasli čoveka od medveda

Životna sredina | Izvor: Beta | 24.10.2023 | access_time 18:05  Lovci su u Severnoj Makedoniji spasli čoveka koga je napao medved, saopštio je danas državni Centar za upravljane krizama.Na Fejsbuku je objavljeno da je u ponedeljak medved između sela Plašnica i Oraoec u opština Makedonski Brod napao čoveka koga su spasli lovci koji su lovili u

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