USPS touts crackdown on postal crime, carrier robberies, with hundreds of arrests | AP News

USPS touts crackdown on postal crime, carrier robberies, with hundreds of arrests | AP News

With mail theft and postal carrier robberies up, law enforcement officials have made more than 600 arrests since May in a crackdown launched to address crime that includes carriers being accosted at gunpoint for their antiquated universal keys, the Postal Service announced Wednesday.Criminals are both stealing mail and targeting carriers’ so-called “arrow keys” to get

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2 London police officers have been dismissed over a stop and search of a Black athlete couple | AP News

2 London police officers have been dismissed over a stop and search of a Black athlete couple | AP News

LONDON (AP) — Two of London’s Metropolitan Police officers were dismissed from the force on Wednesday after a disciplinary panel concluded that they committed gross misconduct over the stop and search of two Black athletes. Bianca Williams and Ricardo Dos Santos, both professional sprinters, complained to the police watchdog that they were racially profiled by

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Vučić i Kurti sutra odvojeno na razgovorima u Briselu

Vučić i Kurti sutra odvojeno na razgovorima u Briselu

Politika | 25.10.2023 | access_time 15:05 BETAPHOTO/European Council/Frederic Sierakowski Predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić i premijer Kosova Aljbin Kurti pozvani su sutra na seriju individualnih sastanaka sa pojedinim evropskim liderima, izjavio je danas portparol EU Peter Stano.”Ideja je da imamo ove sastanke na marginama samita EU kako bismo podržali vraćanje dijalogu. Očekujemo da se obe strane

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EU očekuje da Srbija sprovede usvojenu Medijsku strategiju

EU očekuje da Srbija sprovede usvojenu Medijsku strategiju

Evropska komisija očekuje od Srbije da sprovede Medijsku strategiju i u skladu sa njom stvori slobodno medijsko okruženje, omogući fer konkurenciju i osigura zaštitu medijskog pluralizma.”Očekujemo od srpskih vlasti rezultate primene medijske strategije, u skladu sa obavezama koje su preuzete na najvišem nivou, kao i da stvore podsticajno okruženje u kome se sloboda izražavanja i sloboda medija nesmetano

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Poslanici o slobodi medija i strahu od Đilasa

Poslanici o slobodi medija i strahu od Đilasa

U Skupštini Srbije u toku prepodnevnog zasedanja vodila se polemika o tome da li je sloboda medija bila gora u vreme Slobodana Miloševića, u vreme Demokratske stranke, ili je najgora danas kada se donose novi medijski zakoni, a bilo je reči i o tome da li se naprednjaci plaše nacrtanog Dragana Đilasa.Poslanica Demokratske stranke Sanja

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Israel accuses UN chief of justifying terrorism for saying Hamas attack ‘didn’t happen in a vacuum’ | AP News

Israel accuses UN chief of justifying terrorism for saying Hamas attack ‘didn’t happen in a vacuum’ | AP News

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli officials were outraged Wednesday over U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ comment that the deadly Hamas attack on southern Israel “did not happen in a vacuum,” calling it justification for terrorism. Foreign Minister Eli Cohen canceled a scheduled meeting with Guterres while Yad Vashem, Israel’s Holocaust memorial, said the U.N. chief “failed the

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